QLD How to Take Child Safety to Court?

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Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
where i am, there is no docs victims groups that will stand up and be counted. they all hide and say nothing and do nothing.
I yell and scream and point and thats why I am shunned from these doc victim groups. I even got this, Quote " if i continue to help and support you, I will lose my job" unquote.

Maybe if someone started a TV show of these victims and Utube it, cos main stream media are also too gutless to report of child safety victims.

If any of my posts over the many years of posting encouraged anyone that can help, they would of by now.
In the last few weeks, The many rejections I received of trying leads me to believe, that no one and I mean no one will ever stand up to docs,unless you have the funds to buy JUSTICE.

I seriously doubt that it's possible to buy justice as those on the dark side have their strings pulled by parties with infinitely more money and power than you could imagine. We were recently informed by some very high-end media types that whilst they would dearly love to expose the dark side, they have all been threatened with contempt actions based on old english precedents that are generally considered bad news in every country bar Australia.

It's uncertain whether or not the threats can be enforced, as nobody has been prepared to test them in a court. Furthermore, it's unlikely that will ever happen for reasons I prefer not to discuss here. All that aside, my group will probably include DOCS in our list of baddies to be brought to account, however, without active victims, we'll obviously be giving priority to folk who hold their hands up to be counted.

Believe it or not, there is no shortage of entities as evil if not more so than DOCS.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
I seriously doubt that its possible to buy justice as those on the dark side have their strings pulled by parties with infinitely more money and power than you could imagine. We were recently informed by some VERY high-end media types that whilst they would dearly love to expose the dark side, they have all been threatened with contempt actions based on old English precedents that are generally considered bad news in every country bar Australia.It's uncertain whether or not the threats can be enforced as nobody has been prepared to test them in a court. Furthermore, its unlikely that will ever happen for reasons I prefer not to discuss here. All that aside, my group will probably include DOCS in our list of baddies to be brought to account however without active victims, we'll obviously be giving priority to folk who hold their hands up to be counted. Believe it or not, there is no shortage of entities as evil if not more so than DOCS.

You keep saying you'd jump at the chance to get in court. Try this for size. The kangaroo courts / star chambers / maxi-tribunals in all states and territories have acquired native jurisdiction over almost everything except murder, fraud, extortion, and money-laundering (and some would suggest they have an interest in those as well).

If you attempt filing an application for most matters in a 'proper' court, the odds are that you'll be told that the kangaroo court / star chamber / maxi-tribunal now has native jurisdiction. Initiating a matter in said forum is as near to impossible as the clowns can make it, except for guardianship / administration matters in which they fall over themselves to drag you in the door.

I don't have personal experience of DOCS matters in ACAT / NCAT / QCAT / VCAT, etc, but as far as I'm aware, they have native jurisdiction in all states and territories (check this for yourself in whatever state you consider filing an action). Given their Pavlov's dogs attitude to guardianship / administration matters, it's likely they would also salivate at the chance to make the life of a DOCS victim a misery.

Guardianship / administration matters (and possibly child safety ones as well) don't involve filing fees, and lawyers are only permitted to represent individual applicants in very rare cases. Mind you, those on the dark side have an incestuous relationship with the quasi-judges and consequently aren't affected by the general prohibition on representation. You'll be able to speak on your matter, and by and large, will be able to say somewhat more than would be permitted in a 'proper' court.

There is no doubt whatever that you'll lose every case in which the other side is a government department or statutory authority, but decisions aren't enforceable unless a separate application is made to a 'proper' court. That said, no government department or statutory authority would dream of not following to the nth degree decisions in their favour. Despite claims to the contrary, natural justice is the very last thing you'll ever get in a kangaroo court / star chamber / maxi-tribunal.

What you will get is a hopelessly biased decision favouring the official entity or entities you are opposing, together with an invitation to join forces with a rapidly growing group, with libraries full of evidence, multiple avenues of attack and who are intent on bringing the kangaroo courts / star chambers / maxi-tribunals to account. Our goal is to put them out of business permanently, and given the progress we are making, that goal is quite achievable.
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Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
I seriously doubt that it's possible to buy justice as those on the dark side have their strings pulled by parties with infinitely more money and power than you could imagine. We were recently informed by some very high-end media types that whilst they would dearly love to expose the dark side, they have all been threatened with contempt actions based on old english precedents that are generally considered bad news in every country bar Australia.

It's uncertain whether or not the threats can be enforced, as nobody has been prepared to test them in a court. Furthermore, it's unlikely that will ever happen for reasons I prefer not to discuss here. All that aside, my group will probably include DOCS in our list of baddies to be brought to account, however, without active victims, we'll obviously be giving priority to folk who hold their hands up to be counted.

Believe it or not, there is no shortage of entities as evil if not more so than DOCS.

If I had a million or two, that would be enough for any lawyer to at least start a court proceeding against child safety. If there are so many victims of child safety, then why hasn't there been an Australia wide class action? QLD is the most retarded state concerning laws that can be broken by government personnel.

I've been to that kangaroo webpage and found it just like all the others I been to, including this one. No one in the professional world (lawyers-advocates) will lift a finger. But if I come on this page and screamed out I am a "boat person" or a "refugee" all professional lawyers would jump on me. No one so far will tell me to what the correct documents are. I would require to start court proceedings against child safety.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
I have no dou
If I had a million or two, that would be enough for any lawyer to at least start a court proceeding against child safety. If there are so many victims of child safety, then why hasn't there been an Australia wide class action? QLD is the most retarded state concerning laws that can be broken by government personnel.

I've been to that kangaroo webpage and found it just like all the others I been to, including this one. No one in the professional world (lawyers-advocates) will lift a finger. But if I come on this page and screamed out I am a "boat person" or a "refugee" all professional lawyers would jump on me. No one so far will tell me to what the correct documents are. I would require to start court proceedings against child safety.

I have no doubt whatever that there are tens of thousands of victims of DOCS in all states and territories, but you have, apparently without realizing it, answered your own question. In case you haven't caught on, the answer to why there hasn't been, and in all probability will never be a class action suit is that it would necessarily mean hundreds of victims with credible stories agreeing to expose themselves to the inevitable retribution that would occur. As Claude Jeremiah Greengrass of "heartbeat' fame is wont to say 'pigs might'. Boat people aren't scared of their own shadows. I'd give you the document if I knew exactly what you are hoping to achieve but it's difficult not knowing the story.

Try form 17 to review a Department of Communities decision, downloadable from Application process - children and young people matters - QCAT Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal or you can complete the thing online at http://www.qcat.qld.gov.au/__data/a.../form-17-app-review-dec-childrens-matters.pdf

As I suggested previously, don't even think about winning a QCAT action against a department, statutory authority or quango because it doesn't happen. The best you can hope for is an opportunity to use the decision as a springboard to a 'proper' court and even then concerted attempts will be made to pull the carpet from under you. There are ways to use this bastardry to your advantage but you need to get the QCAT decision in hand before thinking about where to go from there.


Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
I have no dou

I have no doubt whatever that there are tens of thousands of victims of DOCS in all states and territories, but you have, apparently without realizing it, answered your own question. In case you haven't caught on, the answer to why there hasn't been, and in all probability will never be a class action suit is that it would necessarily mean hundreds of victims with credible stories agreeing to expose themselves to the inevitable retribution that would occur. As Claude Jeremiah Greengrass of "heartbeat' fame is wont to say 'pigs might'. Boat people aren't scared of their own shadows. I'd give you the document if I knew exactly what you are hoping to achieve but it's difficult not knowing the story.

Try form 17 to review a Department of Communities decision, downloadable from Application process - children and young people matters - QCAT Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal or you can complete the thing online at http://www.qcat.qld.gov.au/__data/a.../form-17-app-review-dec-childrens-matters.pdf

As I suggested previously, don't even think about winning a QCAT action against a department, statutory authority or quango because it doesn't happen. The best you can hope for is an opportunity to use the decision as a springboard to a 'proper' court and even then concerted attempts will be made to pull the carpet from under you. There are ways to use this bastardry to your advantage but you need to get the QCAT decision in hand before thinking about where to go from there.

The correct documents I require to submit to the courts to start those proceedings.

I'm not going to waste my time begging at other so-called help departments, like Qplich,Qkittens, etc or any other stinking government bodies. So if you can help with those documents,I'm all ears.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
(1) There is a DOCS in every state and territory. They are state-based rather than the commonwealth. Assuming your issues are confined to Queensland, you need to initiate an action in Queensland with QCAT.

(2) The Queensland rendition of DOCS is a subset of the Department of Communities

(3) QCAT has native jurisdiction for Department of Communities / DOCS matters, consequently, any action regarding the Department of Communities / DOCS needs to be filed in QCAT

(4) If you attempt filing an action against DOCS in the magistrates court, district court or supreme court it will be rejected and you'll be directed to QCAT

(5) QCAT has countless forms with no clear explanation of what one is needed. This is part of its objective to make access to justice as difficult as human ingenuity can arrange. The trick is to not be fazed by its demonstrated bastardry and to plough on regardless. As Yoda said 'do or do not, there is no try'.

(6) It's impossible to know exactly what form will be required ultimately without an intimate knowledge of what you are attempting to achieve, but QCAT form 17 (see details in an earlier message) will be a good start.

(6) Whilst QCAT is a kangaroo court / star chamber and is impossibly corrupt in that it thumbs its nose at statute law, common law , case law and international law, some of the case managers actually present as halfway decent people (I guess they have families and mortgages to support) That said, there are a few impersonations of Darth Vader and those, decidedly unfriendly, barrel vacuum cleaner types in Doctor Who.

Hopefully, your application will land with one of the human ones and they will advise you if form 17 isn't the correct one for your purposes.

(7) Don't make the newbie mistake of believing the QCAT publicity blurb claiming its all about natural justice. The policy in QCAT reflects the comment by Adolf Hitler ' tell a lie often enough and the people will believe it'. QCAT is a mob of vicious thugs whose only interest is rubber-stamping the dictates of whatever government department, statutory authority or quango. Even commercial disputes (those involving a trader, landlord or retailer) are invariably decided in favour of the most influential / affluential party.

(8) Regardless of the problems with QCAT, its usually the only place to start with most legal actions initiated by one of the sheeple. What's in your favour is that you don't need a lawyer, in fact, QCAT won't consider permitting you representation unless you are funny in the head, in which case it will appoint the Adult Guardian to MIS-manage the case and you certainly don't need to go down that track. Once the Adult Guardian gets hold of you it's a matter of 'abandon hope all ye who enter here'


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
The correct documents I require is to submit to the courts to start those proceedings.
Im not going to waste my time begging at other so call help departments, like Qplich,Qkittens, ect or any other stinking government bodies.
so if you can help with those documents, im all ears......

It appears from your earlier comments that you don't understand the concept of court hierarchy. Basically, there are a number of courts, each with jurisdiction over a range of matters. At the bottom end we have tribunals, then magistrates courts, then district courts, then supreme courts. Next up the hierarchy, we have Courts of Appeal and the High Court, both of which only handle appeals against lower court decisions. You can't originate anything in the Court of Appeal or the High Court, furthermore, they have sunset arrangements which will almost certainly preclude you from appealing any matter that occurred years ago.

Governments across Australia have moved toward a maxi-tribunal arrangement (ie Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, or QCAT) as the entry point into the court system. It's moronic, hopeless, frustrating and decidedly unethical but then I don't make the rules. The law has never been about justice, rather it's a blunt weapon used to bludgeon the sheeple into submission.

As you've no doubt been advised by all manner of bureaucratic muppets (the executive class), if you don't like the rules then go tell your local politician (one of the legislative class) because they are some of the mob of bloodsucking parasites who make the rules (well legislation anyway). For what it's worth, few if any politicians will even acknowledge your existence, and even fewer will enter into meaningful dialog with you.

You are stuck with legislation at this level, and crap like the Queensland Civil and Administrative Act 2009 provides that QCAT has native jurisdiction over DOCS matters. Quite simply, there is no other 'court' in Australia that will accept your application. Most will happily accept your money, but I seriously doubt that any lawyer in the country would attempt to file a DOCS action in other than the kangaroo court / star chamber / maxi-tribunal as he or she would be laughed out of existence. It's arguable that QCAT isn't a court as per the Federal Constitution but don't try fighting that battle unless you have a law degree and forty years experience in constitutional law.