QLD Child Safety (DOCS) - Can They Be Held Accountable?

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Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
sorry this was in Qld
Yeah QLD is very corrupted, and yes, they will lie, you will need to obtain RTI's/FOI's from docs and police and make sure in the request that you detail all concerns to dates, time and place and be very pacific in your wording, because they will find away to hinder you.


12 May 2022
Yeah QLD is very corrupted, and yes, they will lie, you will need to obtain RTI's/FOI's from docs and police and make sure in the request that you detail all concerns to dates, time and place and be very pacific in your wording, because they will find away to hinder you.
Ok thank you for that, I guess it will come down to who you can believe as to what is written down but I remember every thing from 1980 until the day when the girls were taken off me in February/ March 1982 and welfare have the date on the file as in January. I just don't understand haw they can have a date on file when the girls were not even in care


20 December 2022
Not sure if this will reach you

Im curious did you get to court?

I am going through a similar matter with child dlsafety

4 years ago a foster child made allegations against me I was a foster carer for 10 years after the allegations child safety immediately looked at me like a bad person made alot of lies and got me removed from my family

I was arrested and charged of these false allegations I spend the next 3 years in court fighting for my life and I was found not guilty

So I thought this was the end of it I could move on with my life so I moved in with a new partner only for child safety to find out and tell her all these lies about me and told me if I do not move out that her children will be removed from her care and they didn't give me enough tine to find somewhere and come back a few days later and removed her kids saying they were at risk aroubd me

This has happened 3 more time to me ruining every inch of happiness for me I've pus complaints in and never got replies I tries to go to child safety and they ignored me telling me there substantiated decision was final and it can't ever be changed I will always be reflagged and never allowed near children again

Sorry for the long story but I'm at a loss


Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
Afternoon to you Alan.

Depens to what state you are in ?.

Yes, any victims of child safety are all in the same river, we are only in different boats.

As I feel our issue also is the same as Kathleen Folbigg with false allegation's and with punishment received, only our punishments are also different, twenty odd years of suffering.
If child safety can waste the resources to cover up their mistakes, from fabrication to perjury ( to which is a crime ) that indicates a corruption, why then can not child safety waste that resource to do a true and honest profession job to not destroy and murder a innocent family ?
Child safety has more pedophiles/abusers with in their department then there is in society .

I am Totally shocked that you got arrested and charged and had the opportunity to be in a court of law and had a lawyer.

So for the trillion time, I will ask, How does a human that is in a maximum security prison system able to escape to be molestoring children ? as child safety claims I did ?
And to have pornographic pics of children on a computer as child safety claims I had.
How can a Human be in two places at the same time frame ?
No Questioning from no child safety people and no Questioning by any law enforcements and when I do go to the police to make a complaint, these cops just tell me to get out of the office.
How is it that child safety have a greater power then a Judge to hand out convictions and punishments to crimes never committed by me. ?.

There is nowhere to go in the system when trying to obtain Justice from child safety, yet you can go to the government web site propaganda on the subject of Justice and it is all misleading. There is No Justice in this country, Unless you can buy it or to know people with power.

If you are at a disadvantage in life and you are nobody and a nothing in the system, then no one will give a f**k about you, not even people claiming to be Christian's.

child safety requires a Royal Commission investigation and be held accountable, just like the Forde Inquiry, 50 odd years ago as a child being abused by the same system in their state homes and I get a lawyer thrown at me to get a compensation.
What child safety have done can never ever be replaced or mended, there is no price value that could ever cover that suffering and this is why child safety waste resources to cover up their mistakes and not to be held accountable.

I would love to do to any child safety worker the same as they did to me and then they can tell me in a hundred words or less to how they feel ???.


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LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Child Safety can be taken to court to 'fix their records' - not quick, not cheap.

Possibly start with a demand letter saying they are to fix their records - especially as a court has ruled on the first matter then be prepared to go to court when they either refuse or ignore you.


Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
Morning Rod.

I have done so many times Rod, Requested a meeting with child safety multiple times more so since 2020, each time child safety refuses to come to the table to discuss these issue and will not respond to mails.
I am now in the process of submitting a request to the Minister of child safety and have been waiting for a response for the last two weeks, But my Spider Jedi Sense's informs me that even the Minister will avoid this and tell me there is nothing that can be done.

I have also tried multiple times to find assistance to compile civil forms to submit to the Supreme court to start proceeding against child safety, as I am way too emotional to fill out these forms correctly.
And before you say try : 1: legal aid wont assist, they say I dont fit the means test and I live in the gutter of life.
2: The local community legal service, the principle lawyer there told me to never go there again as there is not a lawyer there that will assist me., And this is state-wide of rejections.
3: All other lawyers that claim they do a pro bono as to a civil matter, will reject.
All this has giving myself is a real bad attitude that nobody likes, as they cant handle the truth with evidence support it, that is why I know child safety would panic and run around as headless chooks if I ever got them to that court of law and then they more than likely offer a out of court settlement with a gag order. As I know they will not want it exposed to what they have done.
Just like Kathleen Folbigg and others like myself proves the system failures, Why on earth am I required to live in someone else's lies ???.

So Rod where would I find a lawyer or a para legal ( pro bono if possible ) that can assist myself to compile a draft of civil law to submit to the Supreme court ?.

And I know it is not cheap, everything has a price, but my end result of taking child safety to a court of law to where a compensation is granted will not be of a small sum.
That is why child safety wins all the time, they know I cant get to that court room. But if I do, The outcome will open the door for all the other victims and I will have meaning and purpose from all this suffering of misery that I was made to live in.

I do Not run away from child safety, child safety runs away from me and that action only proves to me ( and hopefully others see it to ) they know what they did is wrong and the laws they broke to make it happen to destroy my life.

If people really knew the full story, ya all break down and cry, I get all the pity I dont want, I Just want and I just Desire to have Justice in a country claiming that Justice is available for all citizens of Australia.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014


Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
No, same as above as I mentioned about the others, QLS is just a waste of space.
I kid you not, in twenty years, I have gone to places where I thought I could go and I have gone to places you might never heard of, but all, I mean all of them will just introduce me to a merry-go-round of buck passing with the words of " Good Luck with that ".
I got a email folder with over 5000 emails of that same buck passing attitude and rejections.
I have been told it falls under so many headings, Family laws, Personal injury, civil law, defamation laws, and seems im not much of a human to go to Human rights.

That is why I fine it Oh! so stupid and retarded that as a child being abused with no voice by the same system, I got a lawyer thrown at me, Hungry to take it on for me to get that so called justice and a lousy compensation.
As a adult being abused by that same system and I still dont have a voice and no lawyer is hungry to take this on.
I have learnt that most peoples care factor has limits, I say sarcastically if I identified as a woman, I would have obtain all the support and all the assistance, I would of obtain comfort in my despair, there is no where and there is nothing to where a man like myself can go to.

R.u.ok and beyond blue and life line couldnt give a chit, politicians also couldnt give a chit and also the media, but the all look at me with tearful eyes when I inform them of the devastation that took place, Starting with the death of my 7 week old son by the hands of his mother and she walked free, same for the cops that attacked me that same night I tried to save my son when I took his lifeless body to the hospital.

Why does society allow this to happen ? when a human is screaming out and begging ? for a mercy ??


Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
Well, It has been awhile and not much has chanced other than the added traumas.
And in my cave I started to write songs.

Here is a few of them.