The main thing is you wish to clear your name and have any false allegations removed. I don't know what part of QLD you are located. However, in Brisbane there are numerous solicitors in the city, Northside , south side who give free legal advice or can tell you what solicitor specialises in false allegations, defamation of character, advise you how to solve your issue, let alone obtain records regarding yourself under the privacy Act. Going to confront police or DOCS won't get you anywhere. There is free legal advice in the city called Caxton legal service, Micha in the city will assist you not just legally but in other ways including Advocate and support as will Outreach in Toombul and City, community centres on the Northside e.g Nundah, Geebung, Stafford, Caboolture, Redcliffe, North Pine Rivers. Logan, Springwood, Salvation Army at Mt.Gravatt to name a few. If Legals only advise you of what sort of solicitor you require then ring around those who specialist in this area and a lot of firms offer the first 30-60 mins free of advice or can tell you who does Pro Bono work ( free legal services at the time. Seek legal advice and set the record straight. You will be advised what your rights are, what legal docs you need and they will assist you to fill them out including court registers who work in courts, or other volunteers who help people in filling and filing Documents. Including giving you websites where you can print off correct court Documents required. So whether you go to any magistrate court where documents are filed and ask the person behind the counter who files documents what to do and what documents you need to obtain , there are many people who can help , assist, advise or even give you support or obtain legal assistance who may even take in your case. Be pleasant and well mannered as these people are assisting you and have nothing to do with what has occurred. You may ur may not have to do a lot of leg work or ringing etc but it's worth the effort and a more productive way than going to confront detectives, police stations, social serves, DOCS and other child safety organisations who have no knowledge of your case or can offer Legal Advice. Sort it out, get to the bottom of it all and rectify the false allegations against your name.
I really appreciate your input and your help. Sadly, I am in Townsville, north most corrupted city. And sadly, those places you have mentioned are of no use. I will either obtain "you're too far to help or if I continue to help or support you I will lose my job."
Legal aid went from "I don't stand a chance to win" and when I showed legal aid I did have a chance to win, legal aid then told me "I dont fit the means test and I live in poverty and I'm also on a disability pension from when cops attacked me the night my son died."
Pro bono is a joke, doesn't exist and not all Australians are entitled to have any legal representation unless you're a boat person or a refugee. Then it became frustrating when I rang Human Rights and they told me, I can not obtain assistance as I don't fit under any heading to be classified as a human.
I then get more pissed off, when I see an animal (like a dog,cat,horse, a whale) obtain more rights than me. I even get more pissed off when I see homosexuals obtain more rights than me.They can have a family.
I don't just want to clear my name, I want those that have committed these crimes to be in a prison.
I'd like to have these retarded laws amended so it won't happen again to murder innocent families,
and then I would desire compensation and I don't mean a $20.000 deal and a hardy handshake and the fake words of a sorry.
If the bastards in child safety did their job correctly and professionally, then I wouldn't be here today, screaming out the abuse. I firmly believe that the police are also require to do their job and not be unprofessional about it.
Someone committed crimes and abused my children, partners and myself and that someone is only by the hands of child safety.
Child safety departments all require to be under the spotlight and be accountable, like any other human in a democracy country that breaks the laws. No one should be Above the law of the land. No one.