I know EXACTLY where DocSniper is coming from. A number of totally evil Qld government departments apparently enjoy immunity from any action intended to make them accountable, be that legal or otherwise. My experience parallels that of DocSniper, with all the normal avenues for recourse being blocked. That includes the Anti-discrimination Commission, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, State and Federal Ombudsmen, Public Advocate, State and Federal Attorneys General, Qld Premier, Legal Services Commission and a number of others. In common with the Adult Guardian, the Public Trustee and Department of Child Safety, QCAT is a law unto itself and accountable to nobody. None of these entities has as much as a token complaints resolution arrangement despite Qld legislation requiring same. Official QCAT complaints documentation states that the buck stops at the president (a supreme court judge) but since he never responds to submissions there is no point approaching him (I believe he expects a capital 'H') as he is clearly far too exalted to communicate with mere mortals. Back in pre-QCAT days, all the tribunals that formed QCAT were below magistrates in the heirarchy. This meant that members / adjudicators didn't see themselves as occupying a position several steps up the pecking order from the Almighty and appeals could easily be made to magistrates court, district court, supreme court, court of appeal and ultimately the high court. The present arrangement allows QCAT to stifle appeals internally, thus preventing the only possibility of the court of appeal. We also need to be wary of a number of ostensibly 'honourable' entities which purport to being concerned about abuse of human rights. Carers Queensland management openly admit to accepting payments from the Public Trustee and one of the major religions is, I understand currently the subject of a Royal Commission, reportedly for abuse of human rights, furthermore I have concerns re the position of another religious entity which appears to have suspiciously close links to both Child Safety and the Public Trustee.
I am so shocked and believe me when I say, I don't have many in the same boat as me that I can relate to or anyone coming close to the Misery I am in.
And yes Praxidice, when two child safety officers went to Palm Island in a dingy to supply the children contraband, all those workers got as punishment was a transfer elsewhere in the state to continue as they do and lets not forget to how many crimes of Pedophilia that generates from within child safety staff as these crimes have made the media and as I have always stated. " There is more pedos in government then in society". And yes, we do have yet another Inquire into the same crap thats been happening for the past 200 years. But these Inquiries only look at one part of the darkness they dont follow the cancer trail, where people like myself reside and placed there by the Fabrication of child safety to where we obtain a whole new Identity.
Can anyone please truly explain to me in all logical reasoning to how child safety can place me in two places at the same time molesting children? please, anyone ????????,. Then please tell me to how this false information is believed by the police and a court judge to come and Murder Innocent Life ??? and then Protects the Murderers, this only indicates to me, that we do not live in a Democracy , But a Dictatorship.
It shows me that the government considers our children as a Commodity and Freedom as we all know it to be, Just does not Exist.