Some wins ... Thanks for feedback.
Footnote to this is that after several months of living 90 minutes drive away at my mum’s I have now secured a nice modern townhouse with my eldest child’s school 60 metres from the back fence. The school the other two go to is 600m away. Perfect. I will also work a couple of days from home when I get the keys. I’m perfectly set up to take a huge share of the parenting. Ex lives 20 mins drive away.
Eldest daughter (16) still wants to live with me 100% of the time, middle child (14) wants at least 50-50 but most likely more, as does the youngest (11).
Communicating via social media is allowed under the order - Instagram and messenger have audio and video functions. Being in touch with the kids beyond the once a fortnight has been great.
Ex’s solicitor has previously offered a 50-50 arrangement 18 months ago which was withdrawn for no real reason (most likely child support I reckon). My solicitor will reach out to the other side to see if they’re receptive to nutting out an arrangement - if not it’s off to court I guess.
thanks to all the regular contributors who offer so much assistance across all threads- I really appreciate and I’m sure many others do too.