Just another question.
@sammy01 @Rod and anyone else who can help a mate who is a victim of the system.
I have the final IVO where I have no choice except the court to decide on the length of the IVO. Mum don't want me to meet the kid for 6 years and she says she is 12 now and let him wait for 6 years to meet my daughter and the Magistrate gave 5 years. So no contact with my daughter until 2024. I was virtually in tears.
Anyway keeping emotions aside the immediate priority for me is to see if I can be part of the process to the secondary school which my daughter will go to and for which
1. I need to know which school was allocated to her from the three preferences which are going to be released day after tomorrow 7/8/2019. How can I get this information - a) ring the school - is this ok and the school is obliged to give me the information. b) my son with whom I have full access - can I get this information from him and is this IVO violation?
2. I want to get involved with the decision making to accept/reject the school. I was always the one who helped kids in the learning and discuss with them on options and schools to go etc. How is this possible. Medication is a slow process. other ways to communicate is the police/lawyer - how is this information likely to be communicated.
If we don't get the preferred choice I want to ask a lawyer (by spending the limited amount of money - last time I asked a lawyer to send an email it they sent a bill of $1000 for the back and forth emails which was 3 emails, so cautious now) to liaise with the mum, asking for permission to meet my daughter and discuss on the school she wants to attend to. Is this possible.
Sorry, given the short time I am planning in advance for point 2.
3. With 2 again is it possible to pass on my preferences to my son and while not specifically asking him to tell that Dad prefers this but given he is in Year 12 and fairly sensible kid that he gives his opinion that his sister will be better off going to the specific school.
3. In relation to point 2 above - given the IVO for no communication with my daughter, I am assuming the mum can just sign for all her documents herself as it is a no communication IVO. Is this how it works that for crucial decisions as well given IVO the other parents takes all decisions and leave me to hang on with the spoils and rectify the damage when eventually I get access to my daughter.