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Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
So she will be contravening orders ahead of her attempt to relocate?

The court will be thrilled with that.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Do nothing inflammatory. Do nothing at all.

Learn to download the text messages onto a computer or if that is too hard, just write them into a diary. How many kids and how old? When are you meant to pick them up next and from where?School? Her place, etc.?

Look, I kind of think talking to your solicitor might be a waste of time, atm. At present, all she is doing is threatening to withhold the children. There is nothing you can do until she actually withholds them and it is likely the solicitor will say the same.

But you should write to the ex to tell her that you expect her to comply with the court orders.

Mate, sounds like you have a long battle ahead. The ages of the kids are likely to be the most important fact in this case

Just stay calm and look after yourself.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2016
Thanks to both of you for responding and for your thoughts. I did end up getting my solicitor involved. It has at least helped to have some perspective and guidance. The age of the children is indeed the biggest issue. Oldest is 16, second youngest is 13.

Honestly if I thought it was genuinely what they wanted I would concede defeat (perhaps wrong choice of words). However, the messages I've been receiving are almost identical to the words their mother used in her emails and this is not even an issue that has been building. Kids have genuinely seemed happy.

The school and the counsellor my eldest has been seeing are just as surprised as me. It literally escalated to this in the space of a month when my ex started indicating she wanted to move and initiated the family law conference.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2016
It's so specific that it probably won't make much sense. I'm not sure if it's possible to direct message on this forum but I would be happy to explain the context. At any rate, it hasn't fixed the situation and while ex told me we need 'urgent mediation' she's still refusing to go to the family law conference! Go figure.

Both you and Allforher have continued to offer sensible, sound and realistic feedback to what started as some fairly simple practical legal questions and has turned into a soap opera and it is very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Mate sometimes just being able to talk it through with an outsider is a good way to get your own head around the madness and possibly get a few different options for moving ahea.

I'm also a bit skeptical of solicitors. I've had one or two who I realised were really giving me good advice to ensure they could afford to holiday in Italy and not just the Gold Coast like us poor folk


Well-Known Member
9 May 2016
Much appreciated Sammy. Received your earlier unedited post and unsure if it's still on the table. But appreciated anyway.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Wow - I didn't edit that post so I don't know why my email address disappeared. But if you have the email address feel free. If you don't then don't panic we'll sort something.

Look after yourself.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2016
Just by way of an update, we did the family dispute resolution. After a pretty horrible few weeks of further allegations and the ex taking the kids to 'urgent' and secret psych sessions, I was too tired to argue and scared about the long term impact the escalating conflict was having on my relationship with the kids. We drew up new orders with a binding financial agreement. Kids are off to WA with their mum and I'll get them on holidays.

It's a sh*t outcome frankly, but I guess the lesson is if you tirelessly make allegations of neglect and abuse people start to believe it, including the kids. I hope they see the reality of the situation when they're older and we can maintain a relationship .

Thanks to you Sammy and Allforher. Just having a forum here to ask questions made a lot of difference to my mental state and really cleared up what my rights were under the law.
What a horrible messy business this family law stuff is. Be careful who you have kids with huh?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Honestly, that's a lesson that isn't parroted enough.

I am sorry the outcome wasn't better for you, but hopefully the mother will calm down now that she appears to have 'won' (shame about the child, though).

Please keep an eye on the situation though. It would be awful if the hate campaign continued through to adulthood, and no action was ever taken to protect your daughter from the extraordinary emotional cost of growing up without a father.