Thank you, but there is a difference between some providing positive criticism and insulting, positive criticism is welcomed as it improves the person and insulting demines the person. I will answer to both accordingly.Yes, he has critiqued me too but I am just letting you know the potential ramifications as a matter of courtesy.
IHere you go again,,,,
Now I am sure you are not true in your stories, I am positive now that you are trying to stir things up here. Please read my response for your other post:
What says you are not true, is the fact that in Australia we don't sell consequences on discount (15%!!!!), you get what you deserve.....![]()
NSW - 18 Months Jail for holding someones hand and touching another on the shoulder
I'm a Black man living in Sydney, NSW. I am diagnosed with depression, anxiety and psychosis. I was intoxicated one day at the train station and was greeting almost everyone I came across. I met two young ladies and greeted them and shook the hand of the first lady and held it for a few
Sorry you are wasting everyone's time to stair things up, go back to where you came from and do it there.
Mistaken as ever, @Adam1user .
In fact, courts in NSW can, and routinely do, give a "discount" for a plea of guilty.
It can be anything up to 25%, either in time, or in severity of sentence.
The earlier the plea, the greater to potential discount.
Now, if (and that's a big "if") OP's story is true
(we have no way to tell, really) then we can infer certain things.
Not least of which is that he may not be a cleanskin.
Gaol is a last resort, when all previous penalties, imposed for previous offences
have failed to have a deterrent effect.
Eighteen months, for a guilty plea, where there was no blood drawn - for a purported first offence?
Going only by what we have here, I find it implausible.
I am not trying to start up any racist issues. I am being very truthful. I have a few priors, the most serious being drink driving. I got 18 months jail for this offence and while in jail, I met many people with more priors the who had much shorter sentences for more serious crimes.Thank you sammy01, so now I have to take insult and be quite, right? so every time I write and others (one in particular) insults me, I just keep my mouth shut and let them insult me. If that person kept quite, nothing would have happened, right?
Let us go back to the person I am mentioning, he came in stated I am wrong and did not answer the OP question, he did not leave one of his long answers.... I read his posts before, a poster asks a question, and he goes in the law act and regulations filing more than 20 lines or so, while the answer could be in one or two lines. I did not get involved in his comments or tell him he is wrong, did I.
Believe me sammy01, I tried to back down, but that person keeps coming back as if a GOD. I will not be quite, and as mentioned to you, the OP did not write back up to now..... why?
I did not insult the OP, I just mentioned he was caught, what makes you so sure that the OP is honest and truthful and not trying to stir racist chat here? I stated my reasons for why I wrote it, I did not insult him, I just informed him this is not the forum for racist issues. where did you get that I insulted him or that I am racist? in which word did I show racisms? you stated I was racist, how come? what did I write to show that? did I write because you are black you are not welcomed to write in this post? is that what you read. I don't know who is the OP, what nationality or race, I know nothing about the OP, the only thing I felt the OP is trying to stir things up about the Black people and the justice system. that is clear in my post, you have taken things way out of context. You still did not show me how I was racist? you stated that and did not show me how I am racist. How come I am racist?
Sammy01, I don't know why you defend that guy, for what? let us stop writing, I have some things to do now, and heading out.
If we need to write, let us write something that benefit the OP (not in this case, in general), if you want to keep defending that person, I can not prevent you, but I will keep defending myself.
Thank you for a well balanced response!U'm how did a guy asking about his jail sentence become a rant or two about a scooter rider without a helmet and God? Seriously, some guy came here and asked a question that Im gonna paraphrase as - do you get locked up in this country if you're black, have mental health issues, have prior criminal history (I'm guessing - reading between the lines) and get drunk and do some really stupid stuff?
And the combined answers of the two main contributors? If you're a white guy with no criminal history you can ride a scooter without a helmet? WELL DONE.
Adam - In your first post on this thread you said that there are no discounts for an early plea. Have you got a source to back this up? nope. yOU THEN go on to say yup - discounts do apply for assisting police and an early plea of guilty. Um these are opposites.
So lets get back on task and try and help this poor fella out - although I reckon you two twits have scared him off.
I know that the data around incaceration rates in Australia for Aboriginal people is substantially higher than for non Aboriginal people. Yes our system is racist. Is that why this punter went to jail? Don't know.
So this data is a bit old. But still startling
"The graph shows that during 1998, rates of imprisonment for Australians born in Vietnam, Oceania (other), New Zealand, Lebanon and Turkey exceeded the rate of those born in Australia"
So yup our system clearly shows bias against Australians born overseas.
Seems like you have had priors. Seems like you have no idea how the phrase Jihad Gun could be taken as threatening. We do have some pretty strong anti-terror laws in this country.
AND we do have an established history of locking up folk with mental health issues.
"Most people with a mental illness, including those with major illnesses, do not commit crimes,[1361] but people with mental illness nevertheless are over-represented in the criminal justice system."
Chapter 13 - Mental health and the criminal justice system
Chapter 13 - Mental health and the criminal justice system Introduction 13.1 In this chapter the committee considers issues that arise when people with mental illnesses come into contact with the criminal justice system. The publicity given to
A cold hard sober reality check you asked for - that doesn't require a scooter, with or without a helmet or God's intervention gives reason to think that yup, a person of colour, with mental health issues, who (possibly) has criminal history is likely to face jail time for the events you described, especially given you were drunk at the time which gives reason to believe your recollection of the events is unreliable.
Now I reckon I've given a pretty good answer while throwing egg in the faces of the two clowns who needed it. And I reckon I got the ratio of egg between Adam and Tim pretty right. Adam you needed more egg than Tim. But Tim looked hungry and needed a bit of egg on his face too...
Back on task. My friend. Get some good help for the mental health stuff. Get off the drink because clearly that contributed to your current situation and realise that racism does exist in Australia (sadly). But Australia is a good country with plenty of nice folk who do not judge purely on appearances.
For your information. I am being very honest. I have felt extremely insulted by you Adam1user but I forgive you. Perhaps you don't understand how painful it is to get locked up for petty crimes caused by mental health disorders. I pray that you find peace somehow.Thank you sammy01, so now I have to take insult and be quite, right? so every time I write and others (one in particular) insults me, I just keep my mouth shut and let them insult me. If that person kept quite, nothing would have happened, right?
Let us go back to the person I am mentioning, he came in stated I am wrong and did not answer the OP question, he did not leave one of his long answers.... I read his posts before, a poster asks a question, and he goes in the law act and regulations filing more than 20 lines or so, while the answer could be in one or two lines. I did not get involved in his comments or tell him he is wrong, did I.
Believe me sammy01, I tried to back down, but that person keeps coming back as if a GOD. I will not be quite, and as mentioned to you, the OP did not write back up to now..... why?
I did not insult the OP, I just mentioned he was caught, what makes you so sure that the OP is honest and truthful and not trying to stir racist chat here? I stated my reasons for why I wrote it, I did not insult him, I just informed him this is not the forum for racist issues. where did you get that I insulted him or that I am racist? in which word did I show racisms? you stated I was racist, how come? what did I write to show that? did I write because you are black you are not welcomed to write in this post? is that what you read. I don't know who is the OP, what nationality or race, I know nothing about the OP, the only thing I felt the OP is trying to stir things up about the Black people and the justice system. that is clear in my post, you have taken things way out of context. You still did not show me how I was racist? you stated that and did not show me how I am racist. How come I am racist?
Sammy01, I don't know why you defend that guy, for what? let us stop writing, I have some things to do now, and heading out.
If we need to write, let us write something that benefit the OP (not in this case, in general), if you want to keep defending that person, I can not prevent you, but I will keep defending myself.
Thank you sammy01This thread was started by a bloke who wanted to know about the laws pertaining to stalking, threatening and indimidation. So far the contributions have done nothing to answer his questions. Instead you've taken to personal attacks of other posters. Effectively your contributions are detrimental.
Adam, you still owe this bloke an apology - You're right 'insulting undermines' and that is what you did to this bloke in your response to his question.