WOW,,, GOD has spoken!!!!You were lucky. Not clever.
you did not explain it, just repeating what you wrote like a broken record. You did not even understand my question.
I went 3 times to court for traffic matters and in all 3, I got off or it was to my favor. That means I have 100% winning rate, what is yours? So now if I am the most luckiest man on earth.... I should go and buy every type of lottery ticket.
You are just pissed off because I proved you wrong, in your own profession (I really doubt now that you are lawyer- seriously, you can not apply the law, you don't understand how life is), you just read the law books and think you are the smartest man alive. Believe me, if I get in legal trouble I would go to the biggest jackass in the world and engage it as my lawyer and never ever to you [Assuming you are the only lawyer
From now on, don't comment or write anything on my comments even if I say "white" while the item is "black".
As for your second comment "Not clever", I will prove you wrong (again), read this issue:

NSW - Riding a Scooter in Car Park Without a Helmet?
Hi all, I found this site and read some of the info in here, it seems very good site. I am facing this issue which I am planning to go court: Last time I was riding my maxi scooter is a car park of a shopping centre (has several big retail stores: toysRus, Good Guys, Bing Lee, Supercheap...

In summary, I was wrong and I broke the law and the magistrate cancelled the infringement as if it was not issued. If I were like you, I would have paid and have 3 demerit points on my record and that affected my licence fees (I will not get the discount- yes it is called a discount), my insurance and my clean record. Ask anyone, they will say I was clever: I was able to analyse the issue, provide a strong and convincing argument and then let the Magistrate let me off, you call this lucky? You don't understand life at all or how to apply law.
I promise you from now on, I will write my opinion on your comments and state the same link above.
Don't forget we are in semi lock down, so I have a lot of time .....
Good luck ,,,, believe me you will need it.