NSW Shouted the words 'Hey Sexy Lady' and 'Jihad Gun'. Got charged and convicted of Stalking, Threatening and intimidation

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Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
You were lucky. Not clever.
WOW,,, GOD has spoken!!!!

you did not explain it, just repeating what you wrote like a broken record. You did not even understand my question.

I went 3 times to court for traffic matters and in all 3, I got off or it was to my favor. That means I have 100% winning rate, what is yours? So now if I am the most luckiest man on earth.... I should go and buy every type of lottery ticket.

You are just pissed off because I proved you wrong, in your own profession (I really doubt now that you are lawyer- seriously, you can not apply the law, you don't understand how life is), you just read the law books and think you are the smartest man alive. Believe me, if I get in legal trouble I would go to the biggest jackass in the world and engage it as my lawyer and never ever to you [Assuming you are the only lawyer on Earth in the Galaxy!].

From now on, don't comment or write anything on my comments even if I say "white" while the item is "black".

As for your second comment "Not clever", I will prove you wrong (again), read this issue:

In summary, I was wrong and I broke the law and the magistrate cancelled the infringement as if it was not issued. If I were like you, I would have paid and have 3 demerit points on my record and that affected my licence fees (I will not get the discount- yes it is called a discount), my insurance and my clean record. Ask anyone, they will say I was clever: I was able to analyse the issue, provide a strong and convincing argument and then let the Magistrate let me off, you call this lucky? You don't understand life at all or how to apply law.

I promise you from now on, I will write my opinion on your comments and state the same link above.

Don't forget we are in semi lock down, so I have a lot of time .....

Good luck ,,,, believe me you will need it.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
U'm how did a guy asking about his jail sentence become a rant or two about a scooter rider without a helmet and God? Seriously, some guy came here and asked a question that Im gonna paraphrase as - do you get locked up in this country if you're black, have mental health issues, have prior criminal history (I'm guessing - reading between the lines) and get drunk and do some really stupid stuff?
And the combined answers of the two main contributors? If you're a white guy with no criminal history you can ride a scooter without a helmet? WELL DONE.

Adam - In your first post on this thread you said that there are no discounts for an early plea. Have you got a source to back this up? nope. yOU THEN go on to say yup - discounts do apply for assisting police and an early plea of guilty. Um these are opposites.

So lets get back on task and try and help this poor fella out - although I reckon you two twits have scared him off.

I know that the data around incaceration rates in Australia for Aboriginal people is substantially higher than for non Aboriginal people. Yes our system is racist. Is that why this punter went to jail? Don't know.
So this data is a bit old. But still startling
"The graph shows that during 1998, rates of imprisonment for Australians born in Vietnam, Oceania (other), New Zealand, Lebanon and Turkey exceeded the rate of those born in Australia"
So yup our system clearly shows bias against Australians born overseas.

Seems like you have had priors. Seems like you have no idea how the phrase Jihad Gun could be taken as threatening. We do have some pretty strong anti-terror laws in this country.

AND we do have an established history of locking up folk with mental health issues.
"Most people with a mental illness, including those with major illnesses, do not commit crimes,[1361] but people with mental illness nevertheless are over-represented in the criminal justice system."

A cold hard sober reality check you asked for - that doesn't require a scooter, with or without a helmet or God's intervention gives reason to think that yup, a person of colour, with mental health issues, who (possibly) has criminal history is likely to face jail time for the events you described, especially given you were drunk at the time which gives reason to believe your recollection of the events is unreliable.

Now I reckon I've given a pretty good answer while throwing egg in the faces of the two clowns who needed it. And I reckon I got the ratio of egg between Adam and Tim pretty right. Adam you needed more egg than Tim. But Tim looked hungry and needed a bit of egg on his face too...

Back on task. My friend. Get some good help for the mental health stuff. Get off the drink because clearly that contributed to your current situation and realise that racism does exist in Australia (sadly). But Australia is a good country with plenty of nice folk who do not judge purely on appearances.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
Adam - In your first post on this thread you said that there are no discounts for an early plea. Have you got a source to back this up? nope. yOU THEN go on to say yup - discounts do apply for assisting police and an early plea of guilty. Um these are opposites.
So it's not just me then LOL


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
U'm how did a guy asking about his jail sentence become a rant or two about a scooter rider without a helmet and God? Seriously, some guy came here and asked a question that Im gonna paraphrase as - do you get locked up in this country if you're black, have mental health issues, have prior criminal history (I'm guessing - reading between the lines) and get drunk and do some really stupid stuff?
And the combined answers of the two main contributors? If you're a white guy with no criminal history you can ride a scooter without a helmet? WELL DONE.

Adam - In your first post on this thread you said that there are no discounts for an early plea. Have you got a source to back this up? nope. yOU THEN go on to say yup - discounts do apply for assisting police and an early plea of guilty. Um these are opposites.

So lets get back on task and try and help this poor fella out - although I reckon you two twits have scared him off.

I know that the data around incaceration rates in Australia for Aboriginal people is substantially higher than for non Aboriginal people. Yes our system is racist. Is that why this punter went to jail? Don't know.
So this data is a bit old. But still startling
"The graph shows that during 1998, rates of imprisonment for Australians born in Vietnam, Oceania (other), New Zealand, Lebanon and Turkey exceeded the rate of those born in Australia"
So yup our system clearly shows bias against Australians born overseas.

Seems like you have had priors. Seems like you have no idea how the phrase Jihad Gun could be taken as threatening. We do have some pretty strong anti-terror laws in this country.

AND we do have an established history of locking up folk with mental health issues.
"Most people with a mental illness, including those with major illnesses, do not commit crimes,[1361] but people with mental illness nevertheless are over-represented in the criminal justice system."

A cold hard sober reality check you asked for - that doesn't require a scooter, with or without a helmet or God's intervention gives reason to think that yup, a person of colour, with mental health issues, who (possibly) has criminal history is likely to face jail time for the events you described, especially given you were drunk at the time which gives reason to believe your recollection of the events is unreliable.

Now I reckon I've given a pretty good answer while throwing egg in the faces of the two clowns who needed it. And I reckon I got the ratio of egg between Adam and Tim pretty right. Adam you needed more egg than Tim. But Tim looked hungry and needed a bit of egg on his face too...

Back on task. My friend. Get some good help for the mental health stuff. Get off the drink because clearly that contributed to your current situation and realise that racism does exist in Australia (sadly). But Australia is a good country with plenty of nice folk who do not judge purely on appearances.
Sammy01, you don't understand what you read, it looks like you have some major mental disability! This OP post has nothing to do with riding a scooter without a helmet. The OP seems he wants to start some racism chat here, the way he mentioned the post. You did not pick that up. Did you notice that the OP has not responded to any of his posts? you fell into it, see how smart you are! trying to help the poor guy out, goodie too shoes to you..... you just fell for it. Now to try to explain what happened in very simple terms so that your brain can understand what happened, Tim W has the tendency to attack posters here as if he is a GOD (I think you worship him or kiss his @$$), I will not stand to it and accept that he attacks me, notice how he started to attack me and showing me how I was mistaken? while I am not. He did not even try to answer the OP!!! this means he is trying to piss me off as I pissed him off by proving him dead wrong in the issue I had (which is riding without a helmet) and so people can read and understand why I wrote what I wrote to know the reason, with that you still did not get that or understand that. You need eggs but not in your face (other place and you know where!), stop being a goodies too shoes mate, and try to understand what you read, sorry I can't draw pictures here, otherwise I would done every thing with simple pictures for you so you can understand,
As for my contradicting comment, you seems don't understand, it is not contradicting, based on your comment, I should go out and do crime as there will be black Friday sales or discounts coming up in the courts........
Going back to discounts, read my issue of riding without a helmet and answer this question, did I get a 100% discount????? please explain it to me, as your GOD did not, he just repeated his old broken record (you got lucky, not clever - It reached number one in the charts), please explain it to me. I am still waiting for someone to explain this to me, if you are so smart , please for god (not Tim W) sake explain it to me....


Well-Known Member
7 October 2020
Are you Tim W with other account, trying to get additional support? I don't care if Tim W has a "GOD" sticker next to his name, he still does not understand law or how to apply it, he keeps repeating same thing as a brainless parrot. As your signature states, you don't give legal advice, so keep to yourself, and if I want your opinion, I will give it to you.
Read my comments in the above and do read my issue of riding without a helmet and see how wrong he was,
He attacks people without reason, as he thinks himself as a GOD and he is not.
He read couple of law books and thinks he masters it. He does not, nor do you. I really doubt that you and are different people. Why you interfere? No one asked you anything, just keep your smarts to yourself.
No, I’m not Tim W with another account.

Whether or not I give legal advice is irrelevant to what I had to say - and for the record you don’t give legal advice either according to your signature.

Please note that I didn’t launch into an ad hominem attack because someone said something that didn’t align with my viewpoint. And as for your ‘shut up’ directive, I’ll consider listening to you when you actually have some authority to back up your attempt at censoring. Just because it’s online doesn’t mean you shouldn‘t be civil.

If you have beef and can’t let something go, take it elsewhere and start your own thread. This one has been derailed enough.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
No, I’m not Tim W with another account.

Whether or not I give legal advice is irrelevant to what I had to say - and for the record you don’t give legal advice either according to your signature.

Please note that I didn’t launch into an ad hominem attack because someone said something that didn’t align with my viewpoint. And as for your ‘shut up’ directive, I’ll consider listening to you when you actually have some authority to back up your attempt at censoring. Just because it’s online doesn’t mean you shouldn‘t be civil.

If you have beef and can’t let something go, take it elsewhere and start your own thread. This one has been derailed enough.
Who are you to interfere? you attacked me by stating that I am out of line, who are you to take sides? so you want me to bend over and let Tim W insult me and attack me, if you accept if for yourself, that is your problem, not mine and you can not force it on me. Stay out of your business if you don't want to hear / read negative comments. Did you notice that the OP has not responded at all, he started to stir racism off in this forum and I caught him out, but we got smart @$$ like you joining the thread as you don't understand what you read. For your information, I let it go with Tim W before as I don't want to waste my time, but he keeps coming back, did you notice how he did not answer the OP question???? although he is claiming to be a lawyer? he just stated I am mistaken (and I am not).
So for your interest:
Once you read something try to understand it, if not, ask an adult to explain it to you and don't interfere in something that has nothing to do with you.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
I don't want to derail this thread, but Tim does have a 'LawTap Verified' sticker next to his name and LawTap state that they do check to ensure these people are appropriately credentialed: Trust & Safety
I appreciate you might have some history there, but the circumstances appear to indicate your claims of 'so-called-lawyer' are out of line.
Notice in your comment you did not even answer the OP questions (I did not see other comments in this thread too trying to answer the OP question), you started to defend Tim W. Why others have posted comments answering the OP question, I did not write anything negative to their comments. So you want me to get insulted and let it go,,,, you are really smart mate!!!


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Ok Adam. Nope you're right folk here should not insult others. You know like suggesting I have a mental disability... so nope absolutely, nobody here has the right to attack others. Except you...
I'm owed an apology...

As for the original poster. One of his questions was whether or not he could get a 'discount' for an early plea. You said NO. Then you said YES. Then you had a go at Tim for using the term 'discount' when just like me he put it into "inverted comma's". Clearly the intention was to use the terminology of the original punter.... The common speak is 'plea deal' which is as colloquail as 'discount'. A hell of a lot easier than "Early appropriate guilty plea reforms" - solicitor speak for 'discount' or 'plea deal' and they do happen in NSW and as such your original post was misleading and warranted correcting. You said in your original post that 'we don't sell consequences" - "sell consequences" sounds a bit like "discount" right? YES we do 'sell consequences' and give 'discounts'.
So back on task, nobody has the right to insult others? except you? Hm, Nobody has the right to use colloquail language? except YOU. Nobody has the right to be wrong? EXCEPT YOU... Your original answer was wrong. You got corrected. OUCH.

You could have actually given a common sense answer based on your personal experience, which is YES there are cases where magistrates will consider the context, an early plea might be one... Another might be previous history, as was the case with you, who got off on riding without a helmet because of your previous clean record.

Keep your apology to me. But consider whether our original poster, who stated he had mental health issues (regardless of the colour of his skin) deserved the dressing down and the mis-information you provided? Yep I get it. You were being sarcastic. I wonder if our original punter picked up on that? Easy to mistake sarcasm for mockery. WHY? well that is what sarcasm is. Mockery. So no sarcasm? No MOCKERY? U'M UNLESS IT IS YOU DOING IT RIGHT? YOU MOCKED HIM A man with mental illness got mocked BY YOU. Well done... Your information was wrong and you means of communicating it was to mock.
You have a right to reply to those who have been critical of you and I'm one of them and i have the same right.... But guess what. When I've seen reason to correct you I have put you in your place with style, finess and more than a little bit of class. You have resorted to the same sort of potty mouth that got our original poster locked up.

So can you please keep your promise. PLEASE. You know the one. Where you said you'd link your scooter thread to any comment Tim makes.... PLEASE. Beacuse when you do I promise, I'll post a quote from the same thread.
"Tim was right!"
Guess who wrote it?
Ouch - see old mate Tim said you would not get a section 10. He gave you advice and you thanked him.
Tim was right! as was the case in this thread when he corrected you. NSW crimnal law does discounts.
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Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
Jaywoo220, so you are asking to take his insults and be quite, just because he is a lawyer!!!!
He insulted me several times and he insulted either a security guard or parking ranger by calling them Monkeys, read his comments.
It does not matter what a person's profession is, that person has no right to insult anyone.