It is an extremely adversarial system. It seems the Prosecution will blindly ignore facts like this that should be as plain as day, while making every innocent little thing on the part of the Accused out to be something incredibly sinister. Nobody can hold up against it unless you have a DAMN good Lawyer, and even then it will be touch and go.
When the entire thing is set up to smear the person in every way possible, what hope does an average person have against that?
I was accused of being "very, very violent". When asked "What's the most violent thing he ever did?", the only answer she could come up with was "He threw a banana". I did indeed throw a banana at 3 kids on a Trampoline (it didn't hit anyone). Obviously it was a joke. I never expected it to come up in a Court one day.
Obviously that particular accusation didn't fly, but there were a lot of other things where I was made out to be the worst over, which were the most piddling things imaginable - but the Prosecution did their level best to paint the worst possible picture of me that they could for the Jury (this despite the fact that the duty of a Prosecutor includes never attempting to influence the outcome of a case by introducing prejudice or emotion).
Right from the outset with the blatant lies in the QP9... every single step of the way someone was more than ready to give Justice a bit of a push or a helping hand.
They are literally scum, and there is no limit to how low they will go. There is just no possible way an ordinary person can be certain of a good outcome. I sincerely hope your Husband doesn't become the next victim.
Several years after the fact I am still fighting for Justice, and everywhere I go to seek Justice I am treated like a Criminal, despite the fact that I have proved myself many times over. There can be absolutely no question that I was NOT tried by any correct process of Law (unfortunately I lost my chance to Appeal due to no fault of my own).
Once the system has you in its clutches, there is no escape.
I used to have the utmost respect for the legal system but through this process have lost a lot of faith in the decency of our law enforcement system.
My older daughter was in the room when the alleged touching occurred. What she saw was an arm around a shoulder and what the alleged ‘victim’ told me was that he put his arm around her shoulder but this what after she told her school teacher that her stepfather had touched her ‘inappropriately’.
We’ve got a damn good barrister and none of the story adds up...she couldn’t even recall what happened when questioned during the prerecord but still the case goes on.
I know exactly what you mean by them painting you in the worst possible light. My husband didn’t take the stand but I did. The prosecutor started a personal attack on me. The fact that I stayed with him...surely I must condone that sort of behaviour. If I thought for a second that he’d done what she claimed I would have left him that day.
Is there a way out or do you just compile every scrap of evidence you have and keep riding the rollercoaster