Sammy01 - In answer to your question, I have lost my train of thought from my previous deleted reply, so here is a condensed version...
You asked, "do I think its a slip rule candidate"?
Well, I must admit, I have a hard time justifying it as that... its hardly a minor typo, its a full overnight missing... It's more like a major omission...
Do I think its possible that the judge has, under the mountains of cases, paperwork and other trials and judgments he is delivering managed to miss this detail in his process? Yes, its definitely possible.
Do I think that these "new upcoming" orders as they currently stand are in the best interests of our child? No, absolutely not.
Do I think now looking back on the grounds for appeal and specifically relating to this point there might be a case? Maybe...
"Within 28 days of the Orders being made, the appellant must file a Notice of Appeal.
A Notice of Appeal must include:
a. Notification as to whether all or part of the orders are being appealed;
b. The grounds upon which it is claimed that the decision is wrong;
c. The Orders sought in substitution."
But the 28 day window is long past now.
Is there any other way to bring this to the attention of the judge and request review without it becoming a full court event?
It's a given that the mother would object to the change, if she had her way I would never have seen my child again and this attitude very much went against her at trial.
I would completely accept the judges response either way, I just think it might need to be re-confirmed in some sense?