Everything Sharon has said is most likely a lie, I am her eldest daughter and watched her do this for many years. She was never in her death bed with my father, yes he was abusive but about you tell everyone here how you left your children and never came back because of him apparently, tell them how you left me to be abused by him for years?Hey, don't bother attacking people that are giving their time to give you opinions. You don't have to like the opinion but like the fact that old mate took time out of his day...
So - when the cops came to the room - did you say that all is great? Nothing to see here, we accidentally dropped a bottle of plonk and it broke... Or did you tell the cops he broke it and it was not intentional and he pushed you? Oh and who called the cops? You or the hotel?
See your story just doesn't make sense... Sorry, but look at it from outside - There is an argument, the cops get called, so this is more than a conversation about whether rice bubbles are better than coco-pops.
When the cops arrive there is a busted wine bottle... Cops are gonna make some pretty reasonable assumptions. He pushed you? That is DV... Oh no, he was saving you from the glass bottle that accidentally got broken? Nope, looks more like violence...
And I'm thinking you just might not know as much as you think. Sure you might know lots about being a victim and for that you have my sympathies. But a cop telling you how the world of police dealing with DV works, is worth you respectfully paying attention to. See lots of victims of DV call the cops, their partner gets removed and an interim IVO / AVO is create. Yay no more DV. Right?
Nope, wrong. Why the abuser threatens their partner with more violence if they don't go to court and lie and say it was all a big mistake and then the abuser gets off, goes home and beats the victim again. So the laws have been created to stop this sort of situation happening.
What to do? Be a hostile witness like old mate said… Or refuse to attend court. Don’t go. Partner can contest all charges and without your evidence the cops / police prosecutor are likely to drop the charges.
She is not innocent in any of this and I swear never ever trust a word that comes out of her mouth.