QLD How to Stop Neighbour's Harassment?

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Active Member
4 June 2021
Hi Genna,

Thanks so much for sharing - it sounds abhorrent. The results of the case would be super interesting! Whether the QHRC could be useful in any way, would be great info!

I'm sure you're in a better place to tell us all, however I'll put this here for others following along too. The QHRC is relatively new and is made up of the 'old anti-discrimination body' as well as a new area that can handle human rights complaints according to the (very) recent human rights act put in place.

Human Rights Complaints:
In terms of human rights, you can only complain about the actions of the Public Entities (i.e. the government). A human rights complaint must also relate to one of the listed human rights in the QLD act. This probably excludes the actions of the neighbours (/sigh). However it does include the action/non-action of the Police. Court decisions can not be considered under a human rights complaint unless it has to do with administration stuff (not the decisions they make, as that is what appeal processes are for).

Discrimination complaints are different
I believe that discrimination complaints can only be made when the incident(s) are within 'public life'. This is broader than government bodies and includes most other private entities, like the local cafe or pub. Again, this may exclude the actions of the neighbours (sigh), however it may include the police action/ non-action. I do wonder how it would relate to court decisions?!

If you felt comfortable, I think it would be super interesting to know how the QHRC approached your case, whether they were using a human rights or discimination (or both) approach and who the complaint(s) were targeted at!
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4 June 2021
Hi Peter

That is a very limited view of QHRC options. I recommend using their website, expand the options under "Making a complaint". The following criteria suited my harassment situation with neighbours. Discrimination : I filed about Age (I am a Senior) as I am being intimidated & threatened because I am old & vulnerable. I was discriminated against by the Rental Agent on the basis of impairment, who ignored my complaints of Tenant abuse. I suffer severe anxiety, struggle to express myself under severe stress, chemically controlled. The Rental Agent discussed my mental state with the Tenants, which encouraged them to abuse me. Sexual Harassment : I filed about sex based insults the night they burgled my house, drunk they shouted profanity for all to hear.
Vilification :
  1. A public act;​
  2. Capable of inciting;​
  3. Hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of;​
  4. A person, or a group of people;​
  5. Because of their race, religion, sexuality or gender identity.​
Note there is an option for "Other types of complaints". QHRC can investigate issues that may not strictly fit criteria. My advice is : research QHRC website or consult a Legal Adviser to guide you, then submit your complaint.


Active Member
4 June 2021
Are the neighbours harassing you welfare recipients? Mine are, regular Police services, as stated on their website, do not cater for ongoing harassment, that's why Police advises to apply for a Peace Good Behaviour Order PGBO. I thought it would be easy to get, specially after they burgled my house, threw burning objects in my yard, spy on me in my house openly letting me know they are spying into my house. We erected a 2m covered privacy screen to stop this, now they stand elevated. The Magistrate declared "no future threat" as the burglar had already been fined in Criminal court for wilful damage. The Magistrate told me to "buy curtains" to stop spying, lol, I can't buy curtains to sit outside on my deck behind a privacy screen. She told me to "move on", well how does she propose I do that living with convicted criminals next door, no curtain can resolve that! Her verdict sent a message of empowerment to the culprits, they have stepped up stalking harassment behaviour big time! Keep that in mind when you apply for a PGBO, if you lose your persecutors will be empowered! Is that the role of a representative of the Law, to encourage significant harassment?

my progress, i cant claim personal injury compensation against welfare recipients! My last hope now is Human Rights QHRC, their review of cases is delayed by CVD, bear in mind you have to prove disability while claiming your human rights to peace & safety are being violated. my disability being anxiety, aggravated by fear of neighbours causing mental anguish. I will update once my case comes under review. welcome to message to keep contact as i don't want to fill the forum with negative observations.
I apologise for grammar & using the term disability instead of impairment. BTW Impairment does not dictate whether your complaint will be reviewed or not. I recently broke my wrist, severe pain killers, typing with one hand, so writing thinking skills limited.
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Active Member
4 June 2021
Hi Genna,

Thanks so much for sharing - it sounds abhorrent. The results of the case would be super interesting! Whether the QHRC could be useful in any way, would be great info!
Don't blame the Police too much, they are severely restricted by red tape & laws. Regular police services don't cater for ongoing harassment from neighbours. Complaining about Police to QHRC? personally, when I needed a Police case actioned, I wrote to the CCC with good outcome & without feeling guilty reporting the Police, I explained to the CCC that I respect the Police but needed to hasten an investigation. the problem with QHRC is that the delays to get a case reviewed are huge, I have been waiting for 8 months, in that time one has to put safeguards in place, so you can survive abuse until your case is reviewed.
8 December 2024
Yeah, I reckon. Police are definitely not interested. They want a corpse - or as you said, a victim who's snapped who will be arrested immediately.

Go figure!

Well good luck to debra whatever she decides!
Hi Deborah, yeah have a similar ongoing problem. I am a 71-year-old woman and my new neighbours started an open campaign of belligerence. Gay couple obsessively full of hatred for an old hetero lady. Chant vicious lies about three times a week from their front and back verandahs that overlook my home. Watch me with hostile murderous stares for hours. Study my movements to find new ways to harass me. With the new knowledge, they update their vicious outpourings of lies. Learnt when I'm going out and coming home so they can ambush me from their front verandah with spotlights and call out vicious insults. Put up 24 signs overlooking my yard - seven were legible from the street. These signs repeated a lot of hideous sexual offences that they falsely accused me of - including stalker, pervert, creepy rooftop spying pervert, peeping Tom over and over. They complained to council about me so I had to move my letterbox off the street and I got a $788 fine for pruning the frangipani on the footpath. One of them works for council you see and the council arborist claimed I significantly reduced the tree's useful life expectancy. But the frangipani looks so much better now as it was in terrible health. Its rejuvenating prune cost $788. They took out two groundless legal actions against me that collapsed in front of the magistrate for want of evidence. They also threatened to sue me for defamation when I lodged complaints about them to relevant authorities. One is registered with the Queensland bar to practice as a solicitor. The other is an insurance broker. Both rather shaky positions to hold given their escapade of stalking and character assassination. Nearly everything they do is an indictable offence under the Queensland criminal code - stalking; false accusations; death threats, perjury' perverting the course of justice etc etc. They took this tack after they bought the property next door with an ongoing QCAT dispute attached to it, with about $20,000 worth of tree root damage to my septic system. Must have known that Queensland is a criminal's paradise. One calls himself a criminal lawyer.

I complained and complained to police. Police said it was my word agains theirs and advised me to record it on videos. The QPS have about 70 videos of the neighbours chanting their hideous lies. I spend hours downloading abuse such as chants of EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL PERVERT, HIDEOUS OLD WITCH, CREEPY PERVERT, PEDOPHILE, EVIL F'ING b***h, EVIL F'ING b***h, EVIL F'ING b***h. On and on the neighbours drone from the nearest verandah, into my bathroom windows when I shower, brush my teeth or use the toilet. Into my bedroom when I go to bed. Into my yard and back verandah when I'm gardening or have guests. They tell guests their lives are in danger and not to eat my food because I will poison them.

One policeman asked me to come into the station for a caution for invading the neighbours privacy by recording the abuse. Then rang me to say he changed his mind and I didn't need to come in, but told me not to record the neighbours abuse again or he would charge for invasion of privacy. He claimed I was exaggerating and blowing it out of proportion "massively". The police still refuse to act and the ministerial investigation resulted in a lot of police phoning and lying. All investigating police said they did not have to read the evidence I submitted - by this time it was voluminous - all those signs, videos of abusive tirades three times a week, groundless legal actions, and character assassinations around the community. The evidence has slowly mounted to around 100 pages. Investigating police said to charge the neighbours they would also have to charge me because I stalked the neighbours by videoing the abuse. Another police fabrication was that I was not present when I recorded the videos on my iPhone. I was out and the videos were made on CCTV. Each tricky bob and weave was dishonest and breached corruption legislation and their duty of care. But all police were confident they did not have to look at the evidence I submitted, or to enforce the Queensland criminal code. The new minister, Purdie, wrote to me and confidently said the police have powers of discretion and can choose not to act.
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8 December 2024
Hi Genna ,

I would like to know how you going with your case ? I have convinced the police to take our statements and I have about 6 other Neigbours filing statements for the yers of abuse that all of us have faced . However, what I have read here I am now very very concerned that this will end up like any other complaints. We have a young family and we r traumatised and psychological impacted .
Yeah my neighbours, one of whom is registered as a solicitor with the Queensland bar, must have known that Queensland police rarely take action to protect people from this - my local ones are keen on traffic offences and refused to act when I gave them 70 videos of abuse and death threats from my neighbours, photos of vicious lies the neighbours posted up overlooking my property; two groundless legal actions; being so obnoxious and scary I could not rent out may duplex unit next door or have visitors as they would torment the hell out of us etc etc. The neighbours, one of whom is a criminal lawyer, must have known that it is rare for police to act under stalking legislation and other parts of the QLD criminal code such as death threats. I am extremely traumatised, have developed irritable bowel syndrome and an ulcer. Police asked for evidence and after lots of photos of signs the neighbours posted up overlooking my yard and the street and 70 videos, texts, emails etc etc, police refused to act. Police also said they refused to look at the evidence. Our local Officer in Charge claimed that Qld stalking last (see autlii s.359 of the Qld criminal code) does not include emotional and psychological abuse. I told him it does and offered to read the section to him. I also told him that the Stalking Amendment 1999 Explanatory Note particularly emphasises that stalking detriment includes but is not limited to apprehension or fear of violence; serious mental; serious psychological or serious emotional harm. It gives as examples "A person no longer walks outside the person's place of residence or employment". Also a "person significantly changes the route or form of transport a person would ordinarily use to to travel to work or other places." The amendment also gives the example of forcing people to sell their property that they would not otherwise sell. Our Officer in Charge got angry and raised his voice and said he knew what stalking legislation says and it doesn't say that. Will continue to try to get some protection from these obsessive and sadistic two male neighbours.
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