Sorry to revive an old thread, this is so true, Bullying is not illegal in QLD! I believe this problem is endemic & QLD Law archaic, a lot more jacked in NSW I heard. Mine has been ongoing 5 yrs, pretty vicious, defamation, harassment, stalking, damage of property, vandalism, amplified noise, etc etc. Like the OP, the culprits are Tenants. The Rental Agent ignores my ceaseless complaints, refers me to the Police. The Police advised me to get a PGBO, which I did, countless postponements that took months. The Magistrate declared their vandalism as "inappropriate behaviour", that they "pose no future threat" because they had already been fined in Criminal Court!! Unbelievable but true! Don't waste your time or money on a PGBO, appears it has a socialism bias. You have to be half dead to get a PGBO, don't confuse it's name "Peace and Good Behaviour Order" with reality, it does NOT address harassment, discrimination, defamation, abuse! I wrote to the RTA, REIQ, useless as you are not considered part of the Rental Agreement, even if Tenants breach it the Rental Agent is under NO OBLIGATION to enforce "appropriate behaviour". There is that term again. I wrote to Fair Trading, who referred me to the RTA, LOL & the RTA referred me to Fair Trading. Loopy! Your only hope is Human Rights & Psychological Personal Injury. Anyone else in same position, welcome to message me, I'm going through the process now.