Hi Freespirit & thx for your info.
Yeah, I know how widespread "my case" is, bizarre as it is.
A 19thC plot by mad zionist occultists gone badly wrong, IMO.
It, IMO, is so bizarre, so off-the-planet crazy, I, after this long, having lived 24/7 living my own investigation/s, having next to zero "official", or qualified sources to refer to, to get credible assistance from, but occasionally finding semi-credible allusions to such a situation from, damn it, effin Hollywood movies.
"Inception" w Leonardo de Caprio, but one, giving explanations as to what can be effected to targeted persons in their dreams, leaves me accepting that I am in but a dream, seriously vulnerable to being, whatever the term may be "teleported" lets say, into peopled environments, chatting, fighting, listening to others, all of whom later on, in my ... alleged ... "awakened" state, are projecting their "energies" my way, for whatever effect, response, result, they hope to get.
I actually believe the several points Inception makes, like that in a dream, time passes upto 12 times faster than when I/we are awake.
THEN! IF, the person (me) is thrown by hypnotism or whatever, into a second dream, in the first dream, time apparently lived passes 12 times 12 faster than in an awake state.
Because, best I can deduce, I may have recieved a deliberate blow to the back of my head when I was about eight years old, and tho I can't know, but can accept that I was then deliberately put in an induced coma, with f**k knows what "they" planned or did to me, to my unconscious mind, it could be that the supposed (to me) "life" I've been lied to to believe is my haha "normal" life, has all been but in a dream, or, in a SECOND dream in the first induced state of unconsciousness.
Therefore? If so, then since I was 8 y/o, in my apparent 68 years of haha "life", "time" may have passed in but "144th" amount of time of the apparent to me "60" years to now.
Apologies if thats unclear.
Saying, 144th of the intervening 60 years, may mean that I, this strange creature, may still only be effin 8,9,10 or maybe 12 years of actual age.
From where I sit now, having - an alleged - 60 years of experiences, of learning, of the things I've been dreaming as being my haha "normal" (tho nobody would ever say "my" life has been normal) life, but that this "real" person is still but a teenager, I can only hope not!
Mainly because everyone around me would know, and with me still being an adolescent (at best) still a dependent upon my - alleged (but surrogate) family, parents etal, all of whom I have to assume will continue to lie to me, pretending they know nothing of all this, they are NOT people I want anything to do with.
Let alone still being a kid, depending on them!
Other considerations I entertain, are that I was not comatozed at 8 y/o, nor at 16 when I was lured by a fake mate to dive into the creek at the Sunbury pop festival, landing headfirst on a submerged tree, splitting my skill (still bear the scar) and had serious mental disruptions thereafter, nor in my 20s in but one motorbike accident, waking up in St Vincent's hospital, but definitely was deliberately "switched-off" as I say, in January 1988 (?) and I believe was killed on crashing my bike.
(Sorry, shite sentences, written on a smartphone.)
So, my best "hope" is that that 1988('89?) event, when I would a been 33~, was the only one I was deliberately "assassinated" in and comatozed, so at best, "now" (wtf?) in 2023, I'm still 35 or 36 y/o.
Old enough to be able to get as far away from everyone as I can.
Because this is all illuminati witchcraft, of "... the dark side.., Luke.." stuff, its probable that the numerous "minders" I've unknowingly had, since birth, plus uncountable numbers of others brought in, have been plying my naive mind with their hexes, vexes, spells and curses, trying to build their special superhero, but a puppet, a patsy-fallguy and, IMO, their human sacrifice.
As those occult "tricks", I've been deliberately kept unaware of, often stay living in me the host, I surrender to accepting that I can't escape.
Until, but maybe not, I die.
The only semi-positive thing I can see from all this big cult lunacy, is that about every brand and "color" of cultists known, occupy me, body and mind. So none of any actually benevolent cult or club etc can get near me and speak factually to me about my poor me pitiful plight.
From here, I only see each and all trying to "save" me, for their cult to claim me, thereafter binding me to do their will, etc.
So all the "demons" in my aura, stopping any who try help me from so doing, keep me from becoming committed to any mob.
None of which, witch, or whom, I want anything to do with.
When exile is a saving grace, or sommit?
Its all made me a committed misogynist and misanthropist, sadly, I suppose?
But, hard tho it be, what I've gleaned from out here, about who and what and why etc, have fabricated me-the-Frankenstein's-monster for, tho the endless stalking online hacking, lies lies from everyone, leaves me incurably bitter and emotionally twisted, ATC, this weird crap of an haha "life" may still be better than being amongst totally fraudulent sycophantic egomaniacal assholes.
As the saying goes "it's tough at the top".
Having writt all that!
Justice, would be extremely nice!
Apologies for this long rave.
No doubt there are incomplete points made in the above.
If LawAnswers' page lets it be posted.
I maintain my JUST ROGUE DEFIANCE out of simple determination to stay Just, and to NEVER surrender to wrong. And my very existence, in whichever fake hero, or sacrifice, role "the bigs" have fabricated me to play, is to my mind the least Democratic, least honorable personas and roles possible.
"F**k 'em!" In 2 words.
the bankster's ......... b*stard
(Unedited 02:25AEDT, 231028.)