Then police should have been involved and a FVIO taken out and then there'd be no dispute. Children's court is limited in what they can do so I am unclear why the matter was taken there.
Makes me think more is happening here or Child protection have stuffed up.
After child protection supervised access for three years, they made him agree to consent orders in the federal court that access be supervised, at that point they CP withdrew, 3 weeks later he sought unsupervised access in his response. I did not report it to the police at the time because I was scared, for me and the children, but in 2015 he admitted in an affidavit that he put a gun to all our heads but he said there was no cartridge in the gun. I recently reported the incident to police and am awaiting to see what happens, I did get an IVO, I've had 6 over the last 7 years, the last one was issued last year and valid for 5 years. It was taken to the children's court by Child Protection because orders were issued in the federal court for unsupervised access.