^^ This is a problem and may be the source of some of the issues. Child protection rank lower than a court, the court knows this and if you attempt to undermine the court's authority you will get put back in your box nearly every single time. Nothing overrides court orders except higher/appeal court orders. Even the Federal Parliament has to accept valid court orders.
You do have a choice. And Child protection is just one body a court may listen to.
I am not arguing in anyway whether you have a legitimate cause of concern for your children's' safety, just saying how a court will view you telling the court that you are going to follow what Child Protection tell you regardless of what the court says. I sense that you'd be stepping close to contempt of court if you wilfully disobey court orders.
I read the link you provided. Did you read this from the page: An initial grace period of three months (until 1 June 2018) was allowed in relation to compliance with the new forms.
re: Nonfiction's post: Even then Child protection are just another party to the case and have no authority over a judge..
I accept that Child Protection have no authority over a judge but on the other hand their position is that if the judge makes orders that allow for unsupervised access they will immediately seek orders in the children's court to prevent that happening - as they previously have done. You said that "Nothing overrides court orders except higher/appeal court orders." But Children's Court Orders do and HAVE overridden Federal Court Orders. - Well, in my case they have. It doesn't matter if I have a legitimate cause for concern for the children's safety, what matters is that Child Protection do, they obtained orders for three years that access must be supervised, after three years they sent me back to the federal court to change orders that allowed for unsupervised, I did not do so because I wanted to but at the behest of child protection. I have not disobeyed court orders. Yes, I did read it , it means you can still use the old forms up until June 1 2018. When federal court orders allowed for unsupervised access, child protection said no, those orders place the children at risk, they got orders in the childrens court to stop that, they tell me that if I do anything to place the children at risk from the father - unsupervised access - they will place them into care, I have no option than to do what child protection want. child protection can take the children, the court can as well- they can give them to the farther BUT child protection will not allow that, they would bring them back to me after getting new orders in the children's court.