Yea thanks.Wow, they are really playing hardball and treating you like a second class parent. That's really disappointing. Although like Been2Trial said, getting into conflict with them is almost certainly not going to help your case in court, but it sounds like finding a new daycare centre that actually respects you as an equal parent to the children could only be a positive. I don't really know what else to suggest. It might be time to get them to write a stern letter to them informing them that they may be in breach of the orders if they continue to refuse you time with the children as per the orders. Other than that, just wait for your hearing...The longer the child has been withheld, the stronger your case will be I suppose.
There already is a preschool like that. Mine.
Under current orders, it's impossible for the mother to facilitate 15hrs per week.
I emailed her lawyer with a proposal in sept 2019, allowing an adjustment of time in her favour for her to attend the pre school near her residence, that also transitions our child into the school she apparently wants and with how both parents can be involved in such.
As she stated in her FAR report, and messaged me about on a week before submitting that offer.
They never answered.
I filed an application in a case a month later, to set up our child in my preferred pre school then as they didn't respond and the mother can't facilitate.
They never answered that paperwork.
It got pushed back until the trial date, which would take place 4 months after the school year starting.
Then after doing all this, the mother enrolled her in this kindy and neither her or her lawyer would disclose the place.
They didn't want to disclose it as it's nowhere near her apparent residence, which falls in line with what I queried at the time in which she wouldn't be able to facilitate her proposal based on circumstances in her life she omitted from telling the FAR writer about.
Now at my preschool, I put her down as the mother with access.
She has received all info via email.
She has access to view the centre and see her development reports/books.
She has been invited to all events. Even attending a kindy parents evening, seeing the facilities and be welcomed by all the staff.
Our child was even having personalised one on one OT training sessions outside of the 15hrs.
Now the kindy in question
I have never been informed of events.
I was told in the middle of Jan 2020, I have had access to all as the mother does.
I tried attending the centre and was not allowed in.
The centre then in discussions about keeping me informed sent me development reports from 2019. Done 3 or so weeks before being told I have access to everything and there's nothing else, but they will forward all they do.
The mother has just seen a loophole to try and destabilise this, because she's never had an interest in co parenting, informing me on anything or having to want to make joint decisions.