QLD Amendment to Police DVO

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Jay Cee

Active Member
6 February 2018
The police put a DVO on my wife last year after she assaulted me. We remained together, so the only conditions were for her to be of good behavior and not commit domestic violence.
We have since broken up and I have been served with a temp private DVO, we have had one hearing.
The reasons on her temp order are very general and tenuous.

There are many conditions in her temp DVO, and within a few days of receiving it she was at my house trying to talk to me, and have sent me several email asking for reply. To do do would have violated the DVO so I said nothing.

I have applied to the court to have a variation made to the police DVO for her to not contact me and stay away from me. 100m.

My request for the variation is being heard at the same time as her private application.

As I am seeking an amendment to a police order, and have stated on the application truthfully that I find her intimidating. How much proof to her intimidating nature do I need to produce? Is the information in the police order outlining her domestic violence on me enough?
Will these amendments be made without to much drama as the Domestic violence order already exists?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
So, this is basically a cross-application. In my experiences, cross-applications generally result in orders being made against both parties since the consensus between the parties is that they want nothing to do with each other.

I can't imagine you'll have much issue with a variation, particularly given the cross-application filed by her combined with ongoing communication from her, but I can't predict what the Court will decide.

Make sure you don't respond to her or engage her at all, though. That is very important.