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The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry, rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organisations,
and public service outside the civil service. It was established on 4 June 1917 by King George V and comprises five classes across both civil and military divisions, the most senior two of which make the recipient either a knight if male or dame if female. There is also the related British Empire Medal, whose recipients are affiliated with, but not members of the order.
Recommendations for appointments to the Order of the British Empire were originally made on the nomination of the United Kingdom, the self-governing Dominions of the Empire (later Commonwealth) and the Viceroy of India. Nominations continue today from Commonwealth countries that participate in recommending British (Imperial) honours. Most Commonwealth countries ceased recommendations for appointments to the Order of the British Empire when they created their own honours.

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  1. B

    QLD How long does it take for Final Order to be given after Trial?

    Had 5 day trial 2 months ago but orders haven't come through yet, does anyone know roughly how long it takes, my lawyer seems to think 3-6 months? It doesn't matter too much as I have sole parental and other side conceded in their closing to 0% care, though would be nice to have the orders so I...
  2. C

    NSW Dividing Fence - Hedge, Boundary & Fencing Order

    New neighbors moved in a year ago. We share a wooden dividing fence except for the one in the front garden where the 2 properties is separated by a hedge. This hedge has been in place for over 10 years. We had our dogs in the front garden many times & they had never been able to cross next...
  3. S

    QLD Court order question - Is a temporary change possible?

    Wondering if there is a process to apply for a temporary change to court orders, ensuring the current court orders are returned to? Situation: Husband has court ordered time with his 3 sons every second weekend. Husband and I have recently married and wish to take an overseas honeymoon greater...
  4. F

    NSW NCAT Appeal order/directions made tenancy matter

    I am the respondent to NCAT appeal. A callover and stay hearing was listed for today. On Wednesday, the applicant applied for an adjournment. He stated in his email it was due to medical reasons, but did not supply me with a medical certificate. I assume he supplied a medical certificate to the...
  5. M

    VIC Can I put Contravention of orders, urgent Recovery orders and non-urgent Relocation orders in one application?

    Hi , 3 years ago, me and my ex got a final parenting order by consent, in which it says 1, our child is to be enrolled in school A, without prejudice for either parent to seek orders for alternative school choices. And 2, before the child turns 9, he lives with me for 6 nights per fortnight...
  6. A

    QLD Contravention order- manipulated ( withold child)

    Hi, I have court order since Sep. 2021. 50% parental responsibility, half of school holiday, and have child on alternative weekend. First incident: Court order said odd year father has first school holiday and change over occurr on Sunday for December long holiday. (First week of school...
  7. T

    NSW Endlessly needing to go to NCAT to get strata records - what order to deal with the problem?

    Hi I've been to NCAT 3 times to get orders to obtain strata records. The scenario is always the same. I ask to get specific records. These are refused for various reasons. I lodge with NCAT for section 188 and 232 orders. Following the first directions hearing the OC produces the records. New...
  8. E

    Help, court order transalation on property settlement after divorce

    We had two investment properties to be sold, but at the time it would have not covered the mortgage as such so waited for market improvement. Property 1. Purchase inc fees $319,000 Sold inc fees are $283000 Loss = 34k Principal paid on loan $79,000, property was positive geared Property 2...
  9. E

    SA divorce property settlement, Court order Translation required.

    Court order was in place with this property. The investment property was sold with the option to buy under a lease to buy option in 2011, this was recognised on the court order and the court order had options if it did not proceed by the expiry date being 2013. Should have followed that up...
  10. A

    QLD Is it breaching order?

    Hi, In consent order said we share half of school holiday and week on week off for long December holidays. I have 50% parental right. Due to covid ,I received letter from school said school delays two weeks start. Only If you are essential worker they can supervise child for you. So these...