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The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry, rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organisations,
and public service outside the civil service. It was established on 4 June 1917 by King George V and comprises five classes across both civil and military divisions, the most senior two of which make the recipient either a knight if male or dame if female. There is also the related British Empire Medal, whose recipients are affiliated with, but not members of the order.
Recommendations for appointments to the Order of the British Empire were originally made on the nomination of the United Kingdom, the self-governing Dominions of the Empire (later Commonwealth) and the Viceroy of India. Nominations continue today from Commonwealth countries that participate in recommending British (Imperial) honours. Most Commonwealth countries ceased recommendations for appointments to the Order of the British Empire when they created their own honours.

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  1. S

    QLD DVO condition in order & visiting the prisoner

    Hi, Ex partner is on remand and facing some pretty serious charges. Application made by QPS to vary protection order. (Adjourned so temporary however unlikely to fight conditional changes) Varied condition/s now include: “The respondent must not contact or communicate with or attempt to...
  2. A

    NSW Enforcement -> Garnishee order for debts or writ of property?

    The NCAT issued an order for my owners corporation to refund me money. It hasn't complied and I've since registered the amount with the local court for enforcement. I'm not clear on what would be the best next step. It seems a garnishee order would be the most appropriate? The owners...
  3. J

    ACT variation of custody order

    Hi, Quick background - acrimonious divorce in 2019. Two children aged 12 and 10 years old. 10 nights with mother and 4 nights with dad in the custody order. I am the dad and have been with the children on a regular basis but in June had to take a contract interstate for 3 months. I let the...
  4. B

    QLD Signing of court order change application

    Hello. I am applying to get a dvo changed . The form to initiate the request asks for the applicant to also sign. Being a dvo the applicant is a policeman . My questions are : Does the initial applicant have to sign it ? And if they do have to sign it what happens if that person is not...
  5. C

    QLD Peace and behaviour order

    My mentally ill neighbour has harassed me for over 3 years now. Before the property was sold and taken over by new management a previous estate agent told me confidentially that she has done it to every tenant that's lived here before me. She lives above me and drags furniture, stomps...
  6. B

    NSW ADVO and Resident Return Visa

    Does an old Apprehended Domestic Violence Order need to be declared in Resident Return Visa applications, and does it impact citizenship application?
  7. Dpj

    Set aside financial order

    Hi All, Found out my ex didnt declare a business in her assets when determining property settlement. This business is now considerable (EBITDA ~$500k). I believe the financial orders could be set aside as declaration of the business, and her legitamate income, would have altered my decision to...
  8. S

    QLD Ex’s chance of getting recovery order - have kids full time.

    I’ve had my 11yo daughter full-time for 18 months due to alcoholism, emotional and physical abuse and neglect. We have no parenting orders, previously 50/50, and she hasn’t attempted to get her back the entire time. I am considering relocating interstate due to better work opportunities and...
  9. S

    Recovery Order question

    How likely is a recovery order to be made for my 13 year old daughter who is refusing to return to her mother? We have consent orders where mother has majority care but daughter refuses to return and states she wants to live with me. She's told her mother this who is refusing to listen so ex has...
  10. J

    QLD Passengers changed statement in order to claim compensation and bring charges

    Hi All, My nephew crashed his car after it hit a pothole at night when it was raining. He got injured more than the passengers (broke ribs, etc) but one of his two passengers went to hospital as well. One passenger was his step brother and the other was the step-brother's best friend. At the...