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The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry, rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organisations,
and public service outside the civil service. It was established on 4 June 1917 by King George V and comprises five classes across both civil and military divisions, the most senior two of which make the recipient either a knight if male or dame if female. There is also the related British Empire Medal, whose recipients are affiliated with, but not members of the order.
Recommendations for appointments to the Order of the British Empire were originally made on the nomination of the United Kingdom, the self-governing Dominions of the Empire (later Commonwealth) and the Viceroy of India. Nominations continue today from Commonwealth countries that participate in recommending British (Imperial) honours. Most Commonwealth countries ceased recommendations for appointments to the Order of the British Empire when they created their own honours.

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  1. Baldy44

    QLD Is an order for device access information valid if its not signed by a Magistrate or Judge? Sec 154 PPRA 2000

    Cincumstances: So police knocked at door with a search warrant. The warrant includes sec 154 of the PPRA (device access order). Police warned me it was an offence not to comply with sec 154 and therefore I complied. There is a requirement that a search warrant that includes section 154 is...
  2. A

    VIC Fulfilled online order, pricing mistake

    Do I have any obligations to an online store that (presumably) incorrectly priced items at $0, and actually fulfilled the order? I paid $13 international shipping to see what would happen (assuming that they would cancel the order), but it has arrived in my country.
  3. C

    VIC Intervention order as discrimination, how to revoke?

    Hi, I would like some advice regarding an intervention order that a person I was working with professionally as a client filed against me. I have a disability that affects my behaviour and social interactions. This person and his company are well aware of this but they didn’t provide support to...
  4. Melbourneman

    VIC Advice Needed: How to Revoke an IVO with VIC Police as Applicant After Counselling

    My partner (de facto) and I had an argument while we were both drunk. I (called the police but don’t remember what I said. As a result, my partner (respondent) received an IVO. When the case went to court, my partner consented to the IVO without admission. The IVO allowed us to start...
  5. S

    NSW Fencing order by consent - time limitation

    Hi, Can anyone confirm if my reading of the following section is correct. I read this as to say that if no time is specified in the fencing order by the Court or Tribunal for works to be done, then the time is 3 months from the date of the order? If it is outside of the three months do you have...
  6. S

    NSW Fencing order

    Hi All If there is a fencing order and the property gets sold but the new fence has not been constructed does the new owner have to comply with the fencing order? thanks
  7. foxdie222

    QLD Withdraw a Temporary protection order against husband put in place by Police.

    Temporary protection order has been placed on my husband by Police even though there was no abuse or domestic violence involved. I requested them at the time to not put any protection order as it was not needed but they did against my will. Now he has been given a court date to appear. I have...
  8. T

    NSW Does legislation provide a due date to pay NCAT costs order?

    Early 2023 we succesfully obtained a costs order for a fixed amount against the respondent. Because there is no due date for payment the respondent claims they haven't breached the orders so will pay when they are good and ready. The respondent has another unpaid costs order from another person...
  9. S

    VIC EX Has NOT Transferred Title/Property back in her name after Family Court Order....

    Sorry posted in wrong thread somehow.
  10. D

    VIC Court order points - higher numbers precede the lower numbers ?

    I have a court order where I am the 100% sole carer of my 2 kids. For the last 10 years my ex has made 0 attempt to be in my kids lives. The court order has this as point 1. That I am sole carer. Point 2 says I should advise the mother of any major decisions concerning the kids with sub points...