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In law and government, de facto ( day FAK-toh, dee -⁠; Latin: dē factō pronounced [deː ˈfaktoː], "in fact") describes practices that exist in reality, even though they are not officially recognized by laws. It is commonly used to refer to what happens in practice, in contrast with de jure ("by law"), which refers to things that happen according to law.

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  1. Danilou

    QLD Defacto relationship break up

    My partner of 24 years has broken up with me. We have 2 kids, 12 & 14. We have a house, 2 cars (1 financed) 1 boat, pets etc. He works in the mines, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Will I be able to stay in family home (we have mortgage) with kids, when we sort out property etc? I work part time, won't...
  2. B

    SA Title Deeds in a Defacto

    My defacto, of 15yrs, has the title deeds of property in his name.(Plus mortgage in his name only) If he passes away and I am not on the title deeds, or mortgage, where do I stand legally to continue living in the house? Does his will cover me or do we need to get married, or put both names on...
  3. D

    SA Defacto separation and assets

    Hi everyone Looking for some advice regarding a defacto separation and assets. I have enquired about a few family lawyers but am waiting to hear back so thought I might ask on here as well. Situation is defacto relationship for 7 years with 1 child (4 years old). I came into the relationship...
  4. L

    VIC Defacto seperation help

    My friend has been seperated from her ex for a few month now..after a few years together They settled on him getting a few thousand and he also took some furniture upon they were living in her house . While together she paid the house while they split the bills. He has been...
  5. M

    How to AVOID defacto and how to time a BFA

    Hi guys, new poster. This isn't a men are better or women are better kind of post. Perhaps a little bit of 'the law is an ass kind of post'. Just curious as to whether its even possible for a person who is not a family court Judge to: 1. Enjoy a friend with benefits, girlfriend, boyfriend...
  6. M

    Defacto relationship?

    My question is whether a 14 month domestic partnership (was in a relationship with them for 9 months) and lived together for an additional few months could potentially be a de facto. If anyone has had personal experience with this I would be very grateful for your advice. I know the legal...
  7. J

    Costs involved in transferring a property after a defacto separation?

    My defacto partner and I have separated. We have a BFA contract which states that our shared property is owned equally although the mortgage and deeds are in my name. The easiest thing would be for me to pay out her share, but she is also interested in buying out my share so I want to be...
  8. B

    Ex defacto partner threatening court

    Hello, I left my partner two and half years ago after an on and off relationship. We were only defacto for around 3 years, and not even consecutively. I own a property in my sole name on the title and I also purchased a property with him that is in both our names on the title. The bank...
  9. D

    QLD Evicting the family and possibly defacto partner from a property

    Hi I've been contacted by an owner who is currently living overseas to resolve a civil dispute between himself and his tenants and I was wondering what the likelihood of receiving a termination notice and warrant of possession was given the circumstances. The owner left the country...
  10. D

    VIC Ex stopped paying mortgage in disputed property he is living in

    In the 2 years since separation I have paid over 100k off the mortgage, for a property that my ex lives in. I wanted to keep the property a nest egg but allowed him to stay to help him get back off his feet. He has since filed a claim to have the property transferred into his name and since I...