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In law and government, de facto ( day FAK-toh, dee -⁠; Latin: dē factō pronounced [deː ˈfaktoː], "in fact") describes practices that exist in reality, even though they are not officially recognized by laws. It is commonly used to refer to what happens in practice, in contrast with de jure ("by law"), which refers to things that happen according to law.

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  1. M

    NSW defacto relationship

    Hi, I'm in a de facto relationship of 4 half years, both my partner and I have children and separate wills before we met and other assets. We have currently moved into his property that he owns we have built a house, which I have contributed with all everything that is in house, financial and...
  2. P


    Hello, Currently going through a separation with my ex partner (non defacto only been living together 1 year). I understand as much as it breaks my heart. that he will be getting the dog and I am drawing this up in the consent order. I will get the house (I put in all the deposit) and our cat...
  3. P


    Hello, Currently going through a separation with my ex partner (non defacto only been living together 1 year). I understand as much as it breaks my heart. that he will be getting the dog and I am drawing this up in the consent order. I will get the house (I put in all the deposit) and our cat...
  4. meandthekids2019

    QLD property settlement defacto inheritance remainderman

    hi i just wanted some advice. i have lived in a defacto relationship for 10 years. 1 child together. i brought 250k from my property settlement to the relationship, he had no assests but 35k debt. i finacially supported him throughout times where he was unemployed and paid most of the bills...
  5. M

    ACT Matrimonial Home - definition in law

    I haven't been able to find an actual definition of the term "matrimonial home" in the Australian Family Law Act, although I received a letter form the other party's lawyer using this. It seems the term matrimonial relates specifically to "marriage" and not necessarily to a defacto...
  6. J

    Property defacto

    Hi, I’ve been separated 5 years, have one child. I bought house 6 yrs before I met my ex, house in my name and so is mortgage. I also refinanced 2 yrs ago. He has never paid anything to house which I have evidence of. He is saying otherwise. We have court date in a few wks, he wants half of my...
  7. S

    NSW Rights of defacto and wife

    My partner and I are defacto for seven years he hasnt seen her for over twenty and she lives abroad. Do I have any rights as his defacto We have bought a house together and have three children. Thanks for all help.
  8. D

    VIC Un-paid rent from Ex

    Need help please - ex and I rented a home for 7yrs during which time he paid rent intermittently and I covered his share (along with utility bills, car expenses, travel etc...) as he worked on a start up business. As title suggests we have now split and I have been trying to recover approx 5yrs...
  9. P


    Bought a property together been dating 6 years. Myself put down the full deposit $35,000. Was going through tough time so don’t think papers said that I was majority stakeholder but can prove deposit came from my personal account. What happens if we split ? Reason I ask unfortunately it seemed...
  10. J

    NSW Defacto: 2 Years living together - but what defines living together?

    Defacto: 2 Years living together - but what defines living together? Context My girlfriend stays with me a few nights a week, she does not have her own key to my place. At what point does this start counting towards 2 years of living together that could trigger the defacto status?