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Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age) or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties".

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  1. KMac83

    QLD I want to claim child support, can my ex husband sue me?

    Can my ex-husband sue me? Background: We separated in 2017 and divorced in 2018. From 2017 - 2020 I spent hours and hours each week negotiating our parenting agreement and asset division via court orders. Whilst it wasn't formally documented (as a financial statement wasn't prepared), I had...
  2. M

    QLD DENYING FATHER ADDRESS; can he withhold our child for my visitation?

    Hi. I have a 12 year old daughter with my ex. Recently I consented without admission to a DVO (for derogatory texts) that he went to the police for, himself and his new partner were placed on the order and I’m not to be within 100m apart from custody agreement pick up and drop off. Since this...
  3. S

    QLD Child support debt recovery

    Child support debt recovery question please. I am currently owed nearly $30,000 in child support and it is increasing at the rate of $30,000 a year, CSA were collecting the money from the paying parents wages. The paying parent has disappeared, possibly out of the country, he has nil assets on...
  4. F

    VIC Ex Refusing to Enroll Child in School

    Child has recently returned to live with other parent after completing year 10. Ex is wanting him to repeat year 10 for no good reason and is now refusing to enroll him in any school. Ex has threatened visitation if compliance isn't made with the repetition of the grade. Matter is still going...
  5. A

    QLD back again ...

    Hi everyone, Its been over a year I think since I last posted a query! In that time, step-son and his mother relocated to the same state about 2 hours drive away and we have had an 'every other weekend' and Christmas holiday arrangement. The child will commence school this year, and his father...
  6. P

    NSW Taking child overseas without permission and against orders

    Final orders approx 2 years old. Parent 1 regularly breaches but not serious enough to warrant filing a contravention. Orders state passport is to be applied for and held by the court. When parents wish to use they met requirements set out in orders. No taking child to non Hague convention...
  7. A

    Child Safety Qld

    I've got a question relating to child safety I use to be a foster carer for 10 years but 4 years ago a foster child in our care made child abuse accusations against me, I was removed from my family with no evidence and also charged me on here say I spend over 3 years of court adjournments and...
  8. T

    SA Binding Child Support Agreement – non-periodic payments.

    Where an agreement cannot be made through BCSA (where pre-agreement in writing is required) because parties cannot agree – which ‘Court’ can this be taken for securing an outcome? Is it Family Court or come other court. Is the test “best interest of the children’.. Dispute is over high school...
  9. J

    Child Support - Delegation of a parents care

    Can one parent delegate their care responsibility without a written agreement from both parents? I cannot find any legislation that states delegation of care is acceptable, but I have had conflicting information from CSA as to whether care can be delegated or not. Any help or link to relevant...
  10. V

    NSW Child support 2007-2015

    When I separated from my ex we were living in UK & my children & I moved back to Australia.My ex remained in the UK & was working for an investment bank as a risk analyst & had started receiving a substantial income. For the first year due to the divorce settlement his income was about $800000...