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Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age) or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties".

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  1. W

    Siblings living apart - 1 child with each parent in different AUS states

    Just need advice. The mother has had primary care of the children (Two girls) since birth to present (Child 1 - 14yrs) (Child 2 - 13 years). Never been to family court. History of emotional and psychological abuse towards mother, coercive control, threats of violence. A year ago, the girls...
  2. S

    VIC How do you decide who have the child on their birthday if it is a swap over day

    Hi, I have a parenting plan with my ex husband in regards to our two children. We have specified in the plan how to share the children on their birthdays so they can have time with us both. But this time it is on a swap over day, so normally if the child stays at dad I get them after school...
  3. Dpj

    VIC Does assault on a child matter to parenting/custody

    Hi, My ex has just been charged with 2 counts of assult against myself and my daughter (2yo at the time). The assult occurred during a handover. It was captured on video. In addition, there are numerous other incidents involving police which go in my favour (falsee accusations made by ex. ex...
  4. J

    child support agency fraud

    Has anyone in this forum been prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecution regarding Commonwealth fraud, specifically Child support fraud? If so what was your experience and outcome? Also does anyone know of any case law on this matter? Thanks
  5. Dpj

    VIC Child support outcome

    Hi All. To those fighting child support to correctly recognise income of other party, please soldier on. I recieved a lift on the other parent's income of 10x to half a million set for +5yrs. Here are some points: 1) applied. Objected. Then escalated to a Tribunal hearing. This enabled me to...
  6. missmum351

    NSW If I disagree and don't comply with FACS then go court to fight removal of my child, do I have a real chance in my predicament?

    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to find out what legal avenues i may be able to pursue. I would like to have FACS, formerly DOCS, cease involvement with me to raise my 8 month old in peace, while still being his main carer. Do I have any chance at this, especially if i fight removal...
  7. R

    QLD Issues with Ex - Child Safety

    Currently in a very high conflict and toxic parenting relationship with a narcissistic ex and have been for the last 4 years. I have had to block her from all forms of communication except via parenting app. During this time I have had a false allegation made against me relating to my Daughter...
  8. U

    NSW Child support and property

    Hi, Just looking for some information regarding my family law case. Just before final hearing in 2019 I had lost my job and was not able to pay child support. Judge made a decision to give a much higher (about 85%) share to the other parent. One of the reasons he gave was that ‘the husband...
  9. KMac83

    QLD Court Orders - Partially applicable if child >13yrs old chooses living arrangements?

    Hi, Curious to know.. If Court Orders were approved in 2020, but 13yr old child has since/recently made the decision to live 100% with chosen parent, are the Court Orders partially applicable at all? For example... Does the chosen parent have to communicate to the other regarding issues...
  10. A

    VIC Is there a statute of limitations for criminal charges for child abuse

    this happened during 40-20 years ago but I'm pretty sure she's moved onto doing it to other children/people most of it is psychological terrorizing, emotional terrorizing, severe neglect and things like purposely scalding, burning, hitting though no physical scars remain I could only find about...