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Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age) or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties".

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  1. S

    VIC Child Custody/Support/Parenting Plan

    Hi, I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance regarding my current situation. I am a recently separated father with two children under the age of 12, who are in their mother’s care. Consent Orders have been finalized, granting my ex-partner over 70% of the settlement. She has since...
  2. J

    NSW Re child support

    I just found out that i have 18 year old son, Can the mum ask for any financial back date for child support??
  3. W

    VIC Child support based on income estimate

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my query. My ex is a public servant so his income is easily available and published (base rate with no overtime). He has earned over $160k for last financial year and has just lodged an estimate of income for this financial year equating to just...
  4. K

    WA My partner is having child support coming out for 3 of his children. He left his job of 37 years and got over $20,000 lump sum for holidays owing.

    Having been paid a lump sum of $20,000 paid out for holidays bringing his total earnings for tax after leaving his job of 37 years, will this make his child support payments go higher? For next financial year as his pay has not gone up.
  5. A

    QLD Inheritence and child support

    I have read similar previous answers, but they were years ago. I am re asking in case there have been changes to the system. My father is not far away from the end as he is sick. When I do inherit from him, will it affect my child support? When i google it I see different answers. Will they...
  6. H

    WA Notice of Child abuse

    Hi everyone it's been years since I've posted and thought everything had settled but here I am again. I've been the primary carer of my 2 children for most of their lives ( twins aged 11 ). Final orders back in 2017 for kids to live with me and spend every 2nd weekend and half holidays with...
  7. S

    VIC Child Support - Financial Consent Orders - 10 years later

    Financial consent orders (and parenting orders) all sealed and stamped years ago when children toddlers. Ex and I are now on semi-amicable terms when it comes to raising our children, co-parenting OK. Money matters is a different story. He refuses to discuss finances, bordering on abusive...
  8. L

    When Child Safety do not comply.

    Hello, This is a very long story, however I will keep it short. I am wanting to know, whom to contact if Child Safety Queensland are not performing under their duty of care. They are guardians of a young disables person, who is non verbal and they say with a mental capacity of a 3-4 yr old...
  9. W

    SA Ex wanting to see child after 10 years no contact

    A bit of background. My ex and I have not been together since our daughter was a newborn. She is now 10. When our daughter was 3 months old I was diagnosed with post-natal depression and admitted to a mother baby unit after a suicide attempt. The lead up to that had been a lot of psychological...
  10. jazakAllah

    VIC Child support for temp resident

    My friend is temporary resident with 5 children while her ex husband is awaiting protection visa. The chidlren are all born. In Australia and they have been living since 8 years in Australia. Is he eligible for child support based on residence?