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ACCC (Aluminum Conductor Composite Core) is a registered trade mark for a type of "high-temperature low-sag" (HTLS) overhead power line conductor manufactured by 25 international (and authorized) conductor manufacturers.

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  1. S

    SA Refund Crazy Domains

    I have been going around in circles between various Government Agencies, ACCC, auDA and not getting anywhere. Can anyone advise where to go now about getting a refund from Crazy Domains for not providing the service that I have paid for under Australian Cosumere Law? Their website, namely...
  2. K

    NSW Exclusive Dealing - Food Distributor?

    I work for a food manufacturer and we use distributors in each state to sell our products to a variety of customers - for example; independent supermarkets, health food stores, online stores, fresh food markets, specialty food stores/delis. We don't tend to have formal agreements drawn up with...
  3. S

    Telephone Order Fraud and Credit Card Chargebacks - What to Do?

    I own a shop and was contacted via email from a person who wanted to purchase a large amount of my stock. After emails back and forth with the prices, the discount I gave and the delivery instructions, he then called to make payment. He asked if it was ok to spread it over a few of his cards and...
  4. Thommo

    Hiring Out Battery Operated Lights - Australian Standards?

    Hi! Newbie here so please be gentle! I have been chasing my tail trying to find out if there are any legal issues involved in hiring out battery operated light up signs in my Wedding and Event Hire business. They were purchased from a retailer in the USA and are LED lights strictly powered by AA...
  5. D

    QLD Faulty Mitsubishi Lancer - Next Steps?

    I am seriously hoping someone can help me here. Beginning of last year I purchased a new Mitsubishi Lancer, and noticed there was a minor electrical fault. Since buying the vehicle, I have had to take it back to the dealership to have fixed, although Mitsubishi hasn't been able to fix the...
  6. A

    Australian Consumer Law - Secondhand Motorcycle Nonrefundable?

    Hi, I've bought a motorcycle on consignment from a dealer. The bike had issues when I was taking it home. I've gone back to the dealer, and they tried to fix it, but was unsucessful, as now they say they have to open the motor and do a lot of work and I have to pay for it. I then said I wanted...