"she apparently told the mediator that she only agreed to that because I threatened to take my daughter away from her completely, I didn't do that but that's now her claim"
She is in the big kids playground now... 'I only did it because someone told me to' stops being a legal defence after the age of about 5.... Oh I am funny.
Learn to love your avo... YOu are actually very lucky to have one. WHY? good question, thanks for asking. Well if she really wanted to keep you away from the kid all she had to do is apply for an avo that had a no contact order and had the kid as a protected person and that is as easy as going into the police station and bursting into tears. BUT because you already have an AVO on you she would need to apply to court to have the avo varied and would probably fail. Learn to love your avo...
She is in the big kids playground now... 'I only did it because someone told me to' stops being a legal defence after the age of about 5.... Oh I am funny.
Learn to love your avo... YOu are actually very lucky to have one. WHY? good question, thanks for asking. Well if she really wanted to keep you away from the kid all she had to do is apply for an avo that had a no contact order and had the kid as a protected person and that is as easy as going into the police station and bursting into tears. BUT because you already have an AVO on you she would need to apply to court to have the avo varied and would probably fail. Learn to love your avo...