NSW What is the limitation period for action against the employer

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23 September 2023
I am writing to seek your guidance and expertise on a matter related to my past employment. I have been retired for the last two decades, and during my working years, I was employed in an industry known for its high-stress levels. Unfortunately, my employer did not provide any built-in supports such as debriefing or personal supervision, which I believe contributed significantly to my struggles.

Over the course of my career, I had to take 'stress' leave, and on at least one occasion, I claimed workers' compensation due to the severe stress I experienced. This chronic stress eventually resulted in the development of severe mental health issues, including debilitating depression, which was formally assessed by a psychologist.

Despite receiving prescribed medication to manage my depression, I have found that its effect has been minimal, and my condition continues to affect my daily life.

Given these circumstances, I am reaching out to inquire whether there might be any legal recourse or options available to me in relation to my past employment and the impact it has had on my mental health. I understand that the legal landscape can be complex, and I am seeking your professional opinion on this matter.

If you believe that there may be potential grounds for taking action against my former employer, I kindly request your guidance and advice on how to proceed. Any insights you can provide or suggestions for improvement in my approach would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing this matter further.


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27 May 2014

In Vic it is 3 years from when you discovered the injury. I suspect NSW is the same but not I do not practice in NSW.