Hi - look, what you said in your original post was "she was covered in scratched and scabs, all over her bottom, she had bronzer on her private parts over a mark and was riddled with nits." All of that is consistent with child abuse. So let me give you an example... If a doctor, teacher, police officer, etc., were notified and saw the bits, scratches and scraps, etc then they would have had a legal obligation to notify Doctors. Doctors, teachers, etc. are 'mandatory notifiers of child abuse' And if that Doctor's report was done it would have helped your case. Didn't happen - so let's move on...
Ok, so obviously, he isn't gonna go to court today. What the ex has done, I'm guessing, is made an application for a recovery order. Now like your solicitor said, recovery orders can take some time. So what you have today is the first mention. Not a big deal, but you should contact your solicitor to ask what next, just to cover all bases, but also he might get knocked back for legal aid.
I would suggest you get your family to de-friend her on facebook. If she wants to speak to you or the child, she has your number. Just don't get involved with a stupid social media debacle.
Oh and you did take her without permission. You had a parenting plan and you chose not to comply with it. That is effectively taking the child without permission. But don't worry, you did do it with the right intention.