sammy01, Just a quick question - Are you saying that legal fees should end up in the liabilities column ?short relationship - so folks should expect to take what they brought in. So I'll use me as an example. I had lots in super. 7 yr marriage. So in theory only the super that accumulated during the relationship should matter. But in reality everything gets looked at.
I agree with Atticus - take the paperwork to a solicitor - and get an opinion. Look if you're gonna get taken to the cleaners it will be partly by the ex and partly by solicitors.
So again, using me as an example. I offered 65% to her. Just wanted i sorted. She fought. She wanted 105% (yup, no typo). End result she got about 65% but a whole chunk of money had disappeared into solicitor's pockets meaning the asset pool had shrunk so the 65% was smaller in real terms than the original offer.
Regards Barry qld