VIC Separation.. Property split

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4 July 2019
Hi all,

Freshly separated this weekend, it has been extremely amicable so far. My question is around property and where I stand currently/will stand.

I redrew from a mortgage against a house that I "theoretically" own with my mother. My name is on the house and on the mortgage, however it is more of a gentleman's agreement between my mother and I, and I know that I do not have any claim to the house. The house had been paid off, and all that is remaining on the mortgage is $300k that I used to purchase an apartment with my now husband.

He took out a separate loan of $300k for his half of the property, and his mortgage is in his name only attached to the apartment we live in. The title is in his name only.

My hope is that we remain amicable, and my best case scenario would be that we separate, and continue to own the property together, but everything else financially gets split. We have agreed that for six months we will not separate financials (he is hoping to reconcile, however I am not currently sure where my head is at), that we will both stick to our agreed upon budget that we have used for the past 5 years, shared bank account etc. I am the financial planner in the family, so am not at risk of him financially blindsiding me, however he does earn about 40K more than me. There is no kids.

I wanted to check my thinking is correct re property.

If we remain separated, but not divorced I will still be entitled to half if we ever decide to sell.
We would sell if things got nasty, and split.
If it stayed amicable and either of us wanted to remarry (we would have to divorce) - how could I protect my share without being on the title? Would a BFA be suitable here?
My mother and I are thinking that we will need an agreement to ensure that he doesn't pursue half of the house that I theoretically own if things get nasty- would this be a BFA?

Many thanks for any input :)


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Get divorced. Sever all financial ties. There are 2 "theoreticals" here. His place that u are not on the title and your mum's place.

Nope 3... what about super?
So I have never lost sleep worrying about a certainty. I lose sleep worrying about hypotheticals and theoreticals. Can you see my point?

Oh and a bfa is also challengeable. So both parties need independent legal advice for a bfa. So another hypothetical.. if u just want to get consent orders about assets. But consent orders are more definitive and final. Read NOT hypothetical.


4 July 2019
Hi Sammy
Thanks for the reply. I was under the impression that currently, regardless of who's name is on the apartment title, it is considered a joint asset, as we are married? Is this not correct? I was considering remortgaging and getting my name on the mortgage/title for his loan, but then it gets messy with them looking at the other loan/property and potentially them denying us. We are very financially comfortable from a repayment POV with the current situation.

Re. super, we would just both take our own super (we are young, so there isn't much difference between the two accounts), the only asset is really the house that would need to be split.

Regarding your advice of divorce - we still have a year to wait before that is even an option, so I want to know what all the possibilities are before doing anything. There is potential for reconciliation (hence the six months of not changing anything apart from living situations), just dependent on a variety of different factors.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
I wanted to check my thinking is correct re property.

If we remain separated, but not divorced I will still be entitled to half if we ever decide to sell.
We would sell if things got nasty, and split.
If it stayed amicable and either of us wanted to remarry (we would have to divorce) - how could I protect my share without being on the title? Would a BFA be suitable here?
My mother and I are thinking that we will need an agreement to ensure that he doesn't pursue half of the house that I theoretically own if things get nasty- would this be a BFA?

IMO, you should work towards a BFA whilst things are amicable.. Things can & do change, sometimes quite quickly..

I personally don't like the idea of holding joint property after separation, but if you want to do that, then a BFA is your only avenue. Reason being a consent order with the court with such an arrangement would be refused... The courts view is that all financial interests be severed in property orders... Basically to avoid a return to court if & when things go pear shaped..

With regards to your being co named with mum on her property... I don't see how that could get dragged into a property pool unless you are earning money from it somehow, or you & husband/ partner had been living in it at some point... In any case, if it was, your mum would be entitled to become a party to proceedings as she is a co- owner & sole occupier, & that would carry a great deal of weight