@Atticus @sammy01
Ex has not called over 5 months. We texted, emailed, posted letters, called, etc
He does not pick up when we call
We completed FDR and he did not attend and obtained I60.
What else can we do?
or Court?
try to locate him in person to get his signature for relocation on a JP signed document?
court may be too long and ex may never show up or respond
It could be waste of time or it could end up him being in jail since he will go nuts to threaten even at court
Ex has not called over 5 months. We texted, emailed, posted letters, called, etc
He does not pick up when we call
We completed FDR and he did not attend and obtained I60.
What else can we do?
or Court?
try to locate him in person to get his signature for relocation on a JP signed document?
court may be too long and ex may never show up or respond
It could be waste of time or it could end up him being in jail since he will go nuts to threaten even at court