law firm who is in financial strife at the moment and they are telling her to accept 100, 000 which is what Woolworths offered and the firm wants 8.
80, 000 in legal fees.
Yep that's your common solicitor/barrister fees. And with a strong push to settle, because going for more will just make their fees higher of course
I can't quickly think of the word, but its something to do with dirty b$#$ rats.
There is another option open to people and that is not going through your friendly law solicitor.
It was pointed out that not everyone has the ability or knowledge to carefully pursue their case in court, with say legal aid or legal personal representative (at anywhere between $0 and say $2000 costs only). But for $80,000 I'm pretty sure most will willingly learn it
Regarding the original OP - not enough info.
Regarding should you try to go for more? Thus increasing costs against your lawyers advice. I'd say you'd likely lose ie Come out with maybe $3000 more because the judge can see (and understands) the hypocrisy of lawyer/judge relationships. They are not stupid, they know they are taking your money (compensation).
Bringing up old cases is probably lawyer 101 basic, I'm pretty sure a 10 year old could do.
Arguing for you in court? (Follow procedures, interrupt when they don't hear your demands).
No win no fee, literally means > If we take the case on we already know we will win, otherwise we wouldn't do it.
Therefore if you ever get that from a lawyer, then say here's your $600 1/2hr service. Now it's time for me to make a $100,000 without your wasted help.
Judges like lawyers because they all love talking law lingo and are willing to do one tiny step at a time. ANY adult can do this if they knew they were losing $80K in the end. As I said, I'd do it, and even if I was 'compensated' 50K, in your case, I'm ahead by miles
Just future info.
By the way, settle for 100K, the solicitors probably held off their Xmas bonus because of you!