Hey Tim. Was your last post before or after the Sunday night Sco mo rant?
Only leave the house to go shopping. Not driving 3 hours to stop at a Macca's in Sydney to drop off kids?
Now with nearly 2 weeks before I am meant to drop off the kids, it is likely the restrictions will get tighter. I'm also of the dilemma that if the restrictions get tighter once the kids are with the ex, she will use that to keep them. Possibly for months. She is also the sort of punter who has in the past decided the orders are no longer applicable for reasons that I can't even try to get my head around... So for example I didn't see the kids for a while because the orders say 'or by agreement' and she decided she no longer agreed with any of them so she didn't have to follow them.
I think in light of the current situation - orders should be followed. BUT - I don't think the courts will smash me for making a decision - especially if the email to the ex promises make up time...
National Cabinet Statement | Prime Minister of Australia
Only leave the house to go shopping. Not driving 3 hours to stop at a Macca's in Sydney to drop off kids?
Now with nearly 2 weeks before I am meant to drop off the kids, it is likely the restrictions will get tighter. I'm also of the dilemma that if the restrictions get tighter once the kids are with the ex, she will use that to keep them. Possibly for months. She is also the sort of punter who has in the past decided the orders are no longer applicable for reasons that I can't even try to get my head around... So for example I didn't see the kids for a while because the orders say 'or by agreement' and she decided she no longer agreed with any of them so she didn't have to follow them.
I think in light of the current situation - orders should be followed. BUT - I don't think the courts will smash me for making a decision - especially if the email to the ex promises make up time...