You don't need the funds, there are plenty of solicitors out there who are no win no fees. You are not listed in the current will, so you don't have any rights to request anything. What I will say , please see a good lawyer who specialises in this area. As I said previously , my sister does not have a cracker, has clocked up a $100,000 bill with her solicitors and will expect the estate to pay. She was left $900K parents bought her house and is still not happy because I am getting $1M. ( I bought my house). She wants $1.6M... All I can say if we have got this far, you are more than entitled to a portion of your parents estate. Please don't let the fact that you don't have the funds to contest the will in any way stop you. There is may ways that it can be funded. Again our action has cost the estate now $200K, so please get started, you only have 6months after probate in Vic....