I write to you as a Director of BITXOIN PTY LTD ('the Company'). You know the Company, via the website bitxoin.com and the related 'buy BTC' businesses. Is with regret that I must inform you BITXOIN PTY LTD has, effectively, ceased trading.
I am a qualified accountant, having joined the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (member 46645) in 2003 and, on leaving the professional services industry after resigning from Ernst & Young, gained extensive business experience across a period spanning more than 15 years, Even for financial professionals, advising on a decision to halt an ordinarily profitable business operation is not easy; for a company director, it can be a wrenching experience.
Company directors have certain fiduciary duties, responsibilities and statutory obligations. One key area of director responsibility is to monitor company financial health and not to allow insolvent trading (refer to 'ASIC Regulatory Guide 217: Duty to prevent insolvent trading'). Insolvent trading is illegal and there are serious consequences for directors who allow a company to trade while insolvent, including personal liability, fines and even imprisonment.
As of Monday, 8 July 2014, the website
www.bitxoin.com was disabled such as to prevent further orders being placed. The business conducted through this website was the predominate business activity of the Company and this action halted most trading activities, in the times since then, several large volume transactions were pursued, these having the potential to deliver profits sufficient to guarantee solvency. Additionally, we have continued to explore various funding mechanisms in the search for a commercially feasible forward path for the Company. With the likelihood of success in recapitalizing the Company diminishing, the decision to sell the website & related business has just been made.
The consequence of all of this is that incomplete orders, currently unable to be filled, cannot be completed until additional capital is secured, if this is possible.