Good afternoon everyone.
I'm wondering if anyone could give me an educated guess on the likelihood of recovery orders being successful?
Long story short - the father has been seeing his 2 children for 6 hours a fortnight. This was by FDR. The judge and ICL said (at the time) as this was the status quo they can't make it less time than that, however, given the serious safety issues, they certainly won't be allowing more time and overnights will not be allowed.
It is coming up to 3 years of family court proceedings. The mother is saying that once it is done, she will be moving. The move she is planning would be a 7-hour drive, though it would take the children interstate. She is of the opinion that she will be doing it regardless as her husband has to move and she won't be without him.
She has said that given the circumstances, etc and that she will drive the children to see their father once a month stay overnight and they spend both Saturday and then Sunday (presuming they stay with her at night) that he won't be able to get her back in the state as it would be the same amount of hours just look different. I don't know if it makes any difference, the last family assessment they had was in support of the father seeing the children for 2 hours a fortnight supervised and for the mother to be able to relocate.
The children are both female and aged 8 and 9. The safety issues are of a sexual nature and the person responsible for that (found to be substantiated) is actually a relative or the children and their father who also resides w8th the father and is a minor. The father also doesn't believe it was as bad as it was found to be and that it's all blown out of proportion.
The mother says this is why she won't be made to have the children live with their father if she refuses to come back. I don't know what sort of help I should be suggesting to her so hoping for some insight.
Thank you
I'm wondering if anyone could give me an educated guess on the likelihood of recovery orders being successful?
Long story short - the father has been seeing his 2 children for 6 hours a fortnight. This was by FDR. The judge and ICL said (at the time) as this was the status quo they can't make it less time than that, however, given the serious safety issues, they certainly won't be allowing more time and overnights will not be allowed.
It is coming up to 3 years of family court proceedings. The mother is saying that once it is done, she will be moving. The move she is planning would be a 7-hour drive, though it would take the children interstate. She is of the opinion that she will be doing it regardless as her husband has to move and she won't be without him.
She has said that given the circumstances, etc and that she will drive the children to see their father once a month stay overnight and they spend both Saturday and then Sunday (presuming they stay with her at night) that he won't be able to get her back in the state as it would be the same amount of hours just look different. I don't know if it makes any difference, the last family assessment they had was in support of the father seeing the children for 2 hours a fortnight supervised and for the mother to be able to relocate.
The children are both female and aged 8 and 9. The safety issues are of a sexual nature and the person responsible for that (found to be substantiated) is actually a relative or the children and their father who also resides w8th the father and is a minor. The father also doesn't believe it was as bad as it was found to be and that it's all blown out of proportion.
The mother says this is why she won't be made to have the children live with their father if she refuses to come back. I don't know what sort of help I should be suggesting to her so hoping for some insight.
Thank you