If I was this employer I would not be applying for Jobkeeper
Then the employer may not be able to stand down the employees and may have to pay redundancy. Stand-downs are not commonly supported in awards and enterprise agreements.
"You are certainly allowed to make them work for their $1,500 per fortnight but it must be at their already established hourly rate and means you will have to pay super. Note you have to pay those 300 employees job keeper or not receive job keeper for the 100 that are working (one in all in). If you can't afford to pay the 300 that are stood down their $1,500 a week then you have to sack them in order to qualify for the job keeper for the 100 that are working"
WRONG. This is why you do not go to accountants for legal advice!
Employer has to pay 2 rounds of jobkeeper before they have been advised anytime from 4 May they qualify or receive any payments.
$3,000 x 300 employees is a lot.
And this is part of the reason why the Gov't is telling the bank to ease off on enforcement of loans. The delay is only because it takes time to process a few hundred thousand applications. I expect fraud and compliance issues to rise in the next six months as a result of this rush of applications.