NSW Is Centrelink being Defamatory?

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Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
Lailac v Attwells or something similar case, now allows you to sue a lawyer as long as the matter has not been judicially determined.
That's not even close to what that case was about.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2018
I am being labelled a liar, who was drinking alcohol at a pub as she went so far as to get a menu and state that she knows what was purchased in 2019 by looking at the menu price of 2021 and she has put in writing that I was not unfit to travel. She was not there so how can she say from a financial transcation where I was and that I was medically fit and also drinking alcohol.
Everything you state here relates to a decision made by Centrelink under Social Security law. The lawyer only represents - they didn't make the decision or come up with the grounds for that decision. They put forward a case as instructed by their client and use evidence provided by their client.

You're going about this in the wrong way. You're attacking the lawyer instead of attacking the grounds of the decision made by Centrelink.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
U'm so the defamation goes. You have been accused of being in a pub? How has that damaged your reputation?


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
I am being attacked. I am being labelled a liar, who was drinking alcohol at a pub as she went so far as to get a menu and state that she knows what was purchased in 2019 by looking at the menu price of 2021 and she has put in writing that I was not unfit to travel. She was not there so how can she say from a financial transcation where I was and that I was medically fit and also drinking alcohol. Anyone could have used my card, as long it was with my consent

What I can suggest is that you read the letter carefully, you may have understood that they stated you "lied" but the way it is written does not state that, as you have not written or provided a copy of the letter - this is my assumption. I am not against you or taking anyone's side, but emotions do play a lot, the way they write their letters is based on legal aspects, so they may have written :" the card holder purchased xyxy" as an example, so they did not state you are lying, they stated the facts only. I am advising you to be careful in writing on any site the way you feel, I know it is frustrating situation you are going through but don't let your emotions turn it against you. As other posters stated don't name people as once it is written it is open to the public and that can be used against you.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2021
Obviously you know nothing about the real ant sections of the social security Act so don’t reply to me anymore.
You are being put on notice.
I will report you.
This site is for helpful answers and suggestions not for ignorant opinions such as yours.
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Stop harassing me