QLD Illegal to Tap Breaks Under Traffic Law?

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Active Member
17 January 2017
I don't believe there is a specific provision saying it it illegal.

Brake checking, whereby you deliberately and suddenly brake just to get the car behind to slow down is illegal - dangerous driving.

Gently touching the brakes just to activate your brake lights without slowing can be considered an illegal act - dangerous driving as you have no valid obstacle in front of you. Depends on the attitude of the police who pull you over as to who cops the fine, or indeed if both you and the tailgater do.

Claim your bet on a technicality ;)

What if you valid obstacle is the tailgater? Because if there to close, and you need to slow down they could rear-end you.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Nope. You are attempting to control the actions of another driver by using brakes in manner for which they were not designed.

Sometimes I think we need additional signals on cars:
  • Car behind signing to car in front - Move over road hog, there is space on the left, you are under the speed limit, it is illegal to sit in the right-hand lane when it is clear you can move to the left.
  • Car in front signalling to the car behind - I can't move left, back off now!!! You are driving dangerously!
If everyone was courteous and used uncommonsense we would not have these issues.


Active Member
17 January 2017
Nope. You are attempting to control the actions of another driver by using brakes in manner for which they were not designed.

Sometimes I think we need additional signals on cars:
  • Car behind signing to car in front - Move over road hog, there is space on the left, you are under the speed limit, it is illegal to sit in the right-hand lane when it is clear you can move to the left.
  • Car in front signalling to the car behind - I can't move left, back off now!!! You are driving dangerously!
If everyone was courteous and used uncommonsense we would not have these issues.

I've never been pulled over, or been the passenger of a car whilst in Queensland for tapping the break lights to tailgaters. I don't understand how it is dangerous driving, compared to letting them tailgate you especially if you in area where you can't pull to the side. Sorry for late reply.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Sorry, I wasn't giving my opinion, I was saying what police will likely tell you when they book you.

I think it is OK when done without slowing your car. But my opinion doesn't count when you get pulled over by police.


22 June 2022
I know this is an early thread I’m late for but I have a little story about something I still can’t wrap my head around.

In 2017 I was driving to go see some friends for dinner before we went to the movies. I took a turn off the motorway and then a sedan with bright lights started tailgating me down a dark road quite dangerously to the point I became quite annoyed and brake checked them before we got to the roundabout and they actually did nearly hit me and slowed down. I went right at the roundabout expecting the car to follow and then they did a U turn at the roundabout and in my revision mirror I realised it was a marked police patrol car, they slowed down halfway around the roundabout and then kept going. I kind of freaked out and wondered if I could get into trouble for it but I never got a letter about it or nobody said anything. I’m guessing the officers known they could have been at fault for it because the driving in their end was aggressive to the point it was dangerous.
I don’t know if I could or even should get in trouble for it but it happened and I know besides the brake check I am not responsible for their recklessness