QLD How do I write an Law assignment?

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Rob Legat - SBPL

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
16 February 2017
Gold Coast, Queensland
If you mean, "Can someone help point me in the right direction?", then we're going to need more detail like:
- What's the assignment?
- What law subject is it for?
- What specifically are you having trouble with?
- Where are you at so far with it?

If you mean, "Can someone do all/some/part of it for me?", then, no.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2023
I am in the same predicament as you, having an assignment about the ACL due in 2 days and need help. Each university has assignment help available which you should contact immediately as I will. Good luck.


Active Member
6 November 2017
First, break it down: intro, main body, and conclusion. Focus on key cases and legislation. Don't overthink the intro; just get started. Use headings to keep it organized. For research, stick to reliable sources like textbooks and journals. Cite everything properly to avoid plagiarism. Get a draft done today and refine it tomorrow.
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