Hearing was today.
If I win this case I think it will be because of the arguments I made in my Written Submissions, not the arguments the barrister put in Court.
I said to her a week ago that I didn't think the Development Consent was a Consent for the use of the land that came within the ambit of s.95(5) of the EPA Act, although my original position in my Written Submissions was that it was.
She disagreed.
Anyway I emailed her and said that since she was doing the case pro-bono, I couldn't tell her, morally if not legally, how to run the case, and she could put what arguments she wanted. I also told her that I would offer suggestions of arguments to put, but it was up to her is she relied upon them.
I mean if I was paying her, then it would be a different story, as then I would demand she put the arguments I wanted her to put.
Anyway it looks like the Court is not accepting her argument that the Development Consent was a Consent for use of the land that comes within the ambit of s.95(5) of the Act.
She flogged this argument for most of the hearing.
I tried to get her to put another argument that was not in my Written Submissions, that involves the construction of s.95(4), in particular that the ambit of it's operation is limited by the obvious purpose that parliament enacted it for, and that on it's proper construction it can not operate to lapse a Development Consent that imposes conditions on an already build building for the protection of the environment.
I tried several times to get her to put an argument based on this interpretation of s.95(4), but she would not do so.
I said, we have nothing to lose by putting this argument, but she took no notice of me.
What can you do? To be honest after the afternoon adjournment I was thinking of withdrawing my instructions and representing myself for the remainder of the hearing.
But then I thought, the barrister, and her junior, have done all this work preparing the case, so I didn't think it would be fair to sack them at the hearing.
Oh well, see what the Court decides in it's judgement. There's always an application for leave to appeal to the High Court I suppose.
The feeling I had when I first had dealings with her that she may be working for the other side is still with me.
If you knew what the other side had engaged in during the 1 year and 10 months this case has run for, you would think that's quite possible.