WA Family Law - Facilitating Contact Between Grandparents?

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Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
What is with the personal attacks? If you need to have a go, make sure you have some substance to your argument.

Calm down.. As in this is not a big issue.

Original poster - The answer is going to be in the wording of the orders.
I'm guessing, because the father doesn't want to be involved, the magistrate has ordered that the grandparents organise the times between themselves.

So the magistrate wasn't specific? 'by agreement'. I disagreeThat is concise and specific.... A bit of exaggeration to prove the point. Does magistrate need to say meetings must be on Tuesday, but not if it is expected to rain?

By agreement - means work it out among yourselves... So when I said 'calm down' I meant dont overthink it.... Now these are interim orders. So I think magistrate is being clever. He is letting you guys work it out among yourselves. He will then find out how you went.... So if you guys are reasonable in providing access you look good. IF there are no welfare concerns regarding the grandparents then dropping off at their house for a few hours makes sense. Meet at Macca's? Just re-inforce that the mother must not be present. So I think you put the wording of the orders? in the first post "facilitate the maternal grandmother and her husband having contact with the child, at times as agreed between the maternal and the paternal grandmothers. "

Facilitate contact - means make sure granny sees the kid. NO rules about how it is to happen (except mum must not be present). So that means you guys can work it out among yourselves. AND "at times as agreed between the maternal and the paternal grandmothers." Means the kid sees granny when you guys agree.

So IF there is no welfare concerns I reckon making sure the kid spends time with granny for a few hours every fortnight is a good idea. Drop the kid off at Macca's pick up at Macca's. IF the kid tells you that mum was present then get back to your solicitor or seek advice here.

I do think if the magistrate wanted you to remain with the child he would have included the word supervised. So let me ask a question - Is there any historical evidence / reason / OR have you lodged in your application that the maternal grandparent is a risk? IF no then why would you need to supervise? Clearly, there is a notice of risk / evidence that the mum is problematic - hence mum needing supervision.

Glasshalffull.... I've seen orders along the lines of "by agreement" as final orders. It is almost always when sole parental responsibility is granted to one parent. But there must be some pretty serious history for that to occur. In interim orders I think it happens too. Like I said before, I think it provides a situation where the magistrate can work out the scenario. IF dad were to refuse all contact - the orders do say 'by agreement' that is his right. But gee it wont look good in court at the next mention.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
Original poster - The answer is going to be in the wording of the orders.
I'm guessing, because the father doesn't want to be involved, the magistrate has ordered that the grandparents organise the times between themselves.

So the magistrate wasn't specific? 'by agreement'. I disagree, that is concise and specific....
I agree... I struggled to see the real problem in this one as well..


Well-Known Member
2 February 2020
Personal attacks?? If you use capitals when you're writing most people will take that as being yelled at. It would also be better to say that it's helpful to stay calm, rather than telling someone to calm down. The OP hadn't written her post in such a way that it suggested she wasn't calm already. That considered she didn't need to be yelled at, or told to calm down.
As for personal attacks. If a child in your class was being silly it would be fine for you to say that they were being silly. It would not be OK to tell them that they are silly. See the difference? So if anyone is guilty of getting personal on here I suggest it's you, not us.
Did you notice that a lady on another thread didn't post again after you told her to use paragraphs? It would be fine to say that it makes the post easier to read if paragraphs are used. When you just bluntly tell them to use paragraphs it sounds like an order & is quite belittling if someone is simply not as educated as yourself. They aren't deliberately structuring their post badly to make it hard for you to read.
Lastly. Evolved people can politely agree to disagree without getting emotional. So if you consider yourself to be evolved, maybe lay of the ggggrrrr.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
WOW - RJM - GGRRRRR - Your contribution to helping the original poster with her question is to attack me. Thanks for your contribution. I'm sure she appreciates it too.

Do you mean this thread? VIC - Father is not letting me see our daughter

Where I said "Please use paragraphs - a whole muddle of words with no breaks is hard to read."

U'm, yep, my mistake. I only said please ONCE.
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Well-Known Member
2 February 2020
Attack you. Really. Point out one insulting comment.
You really don't get it do you. I thought you were a nice person who just didn't realise how the way you say things might be taken. Obviously I was wrong.
For the record I don't hold grudges so this has nothing to do with the first disagreement we had. I had already decided to bite my tongue over the paragraph thing. It only came up because you accused me of attacking you. All I did was like someone else's post.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2020
Too funny, just read your response on the other thread re silly.
As you were sammy. You go ahead & yell at & insult whoever you like.
Insults only bother me if they come from someone I respect so go for your life.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Respectfully - I have not insulted anyone. YOU HAVE. In the thread where you suggested I was rude about paragraphs I said 'please' I think I also said 'sorry' as I nice way of explaining that the poster wasn't clear and I couldn't understand. What is rude about that?

Insult me? Well you implied that I am less 'evolved' that others. GGRR

I enjoy spending some time here helping folk based on my experience and education, as do others like Atticus, Glasshalffull and Jake. I don't insult nor do I criticise other people's writing style... Like you did me. I offer a perspective and give advice, as do othres based on their personal experience / reading / education in family law. Any question that can be answered here by an informed punter is a few hundred $$$ the poster can save on legal fees. So the poster here, could have asked her solicitor to explain, that would have cost her $... I've explained the legal terms 'by agreement' and 'facilitate contact' and I tried to explain why supervison would not be required.... I give advice and assistance. You dont. Let me prove it...

Read back over this thread - Tally up how many sentence that I wrote that try to HELP the poster understand the problem... To be fair I'll do exactly the same based on the support you've provided to Karen... Wait a minute - math is not my strong point... Just double checking my figures - ZERO. NUFINK. NONE. ZIP. NOT ONE WORD TO HELP. Thanks for coming.

Hmm - You owe me an apology.
Please dont waste my time again.
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Well-Known Member
2 February 2020
I do believe you first suggested that I wasn't sensible.
I'm surprised Karen isn't defending you. Probably somewhere calming down.
You're a great advertisement for private education. Had to edit did we. That's a shock, wasn't it perfect already?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
I'm really sorry, I don't believe I suggested you were silly? U'm where and when? In the same post where you said I was rude by asking someone to use paragraphs... You know the one where I said 'please' and 'sorry' - But by your standards that is rude? Hmm

I did explain the 'calm down' reference as meaning, this isn't a big deal, an assertion supported by other punters giving their advice freely and friendly....

Yup I am a great advertisement for PUBLIC EDUCATION. I realised I made a mistake and I fixed it. I'm not perfect and I'm well prepared to acknowledge my mistakes and apologise for them. Now you're having a go because I made a typo.?Please! pretty please.
If you have nothing to offer the people here who come looking for help and clearly you don't based on the score board I provided above, then just go and be a troll somewhere else. This is a law forum. Many of the poor folks who find themselves here are in distress. I'd rather spend my time giving them advice than being abused by YOU and I'm pretty sure your efforts will do nothing to encourage anyone reading here to post.

You owe me an apology.
PRETTY Please dont waste my time again.