Wow thanks, I did not think I said all that much, just a little mind trick that helped me once.
It only takes one thought or notion to change your mind. What you said is precisely what every therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist try to convey ( and it can take years with medication) a person suffering from any disorder. Pure and simply put.
But the best and most powerful thing you said, that shows your wisdom is realising you have to 'face up to your fears' but the strength you have is to 'take action and do it!' Brilliant Clancy. Absolutely well said and I hope everyone reads your post! Post it on FB, everywhere.
It will help persons who suffer from anxiety, depression, panic attacks and anything they feel, mentally unable to do anything or know how to. My admiration for you and giving that advice, let alone using it is beaming with proudness!
You, my friend, just helped a lot of people here who are anxious and worried, but too frightened to do anything (take the bull's horn so to speak).
Thank you, Clancy. Well said and well done.
P.S It isn't a trick. It works and is a logical and practical wise advice.