Hi everyone,
Would love some advice please if anyone has a moment.
My husband and I separated 3 years ago when he met someone else. Our 4 children who's ages range from 9-16 have always lived with me and go to his mostly every other weekend.
Their schools are just up the rod from my house and my girls also all do competitive dance and cheerleading and my son plays footie.
My ex has now suddenly said he wants to do week on week off. The issues I'm concerned with are
1: he lives 65km away from us and he is wanting the children to catch trains to and from school too his. There would be 2 trains each way. Now my older children could probably do this begrudgingly but ok but my 9 year old and 12 year old are my worries. My 9year old sons school is about a 40-50 minute walk to the train station. I asked my ex how would my son get to the train station as he's too young to walk all that way alone.
His response was that my 12 and 14 year olds could walk and pick him up. Now their school is near the train station to after school they would either walk or possibly bus it to pick him up and the do the same back to the train station. So thats adding at least an extra hour onto their journey. The train journey to the station where he would pick them up from is then 1hour 15 mins. Then the drive to his house would be another 20-30 mins in peak hour. He then also said that I could pick my son up from the train station in the mornings and drop him to school and do vice versa in the afternoons to help out... which would be hard if I take on more hours at work.
2. He has told the kids that on the weeks that he has them he won't be taking them to their dance and cheerleading activities. My girls have been part of these teams for nearly 7 years and they were so upset today when I picked them up and they told me this. They know that if they are missing from training every other week it will affect their team placements and they would probably be replaced. With my sons footie when the season starts back up I am sure that he would take him as he likes watching his son play.
So when he called me yesterday saying that the children would be trialling this new arrangement he wants to do I voiced my concerns. The children had already said that they didn't want to do it and I am worried about all the travelling involved for the children. It works out to be over 600km a week they would travel by train. He did his usual swearing at me and called me a few different F words and hung up. I told him that he could have them every weekend and as much time in the holidays as he wants as they could then relax and not be as tired and stressed but he does not want that.
I will call legal aid in the morning and see what they advise but could anyone please offer any words of wisdom? The kids really don't want to do it but they are afraid to tell him that when he's right there. They are happy with the arrangement at the moment. I'm so happy to make extra journeys at the weekends and meet him at a suitable time so he can have some extra nights. And the same for holidays. I just don't feel it would be beneficial to the kids at all to be travelling over 600km a week to get there and back and to miss out on their sports that they really look forward too each week.
TIA for any help
) p.s sorry that was long winded!
Would love some advice please if anyone has a moment.
My husband and I separated 3 years ago when he met someone else. Our 4 children who's ages range from 9-16 have always lived with me and go to his mostly every other weekend.
Their schools are just up the rod from my house and my girls also all do competitive dance and cheerleading and my son plays footie.
My ex has now suddenly said he wants to do week on week off. The issues I'm concerned with are
1: he lives 65km away from us and he is wanting the children to catch trains to and from school too his. There would be 2 trains each way. Now my older children could probably do this begrudgingly but ok but my 9 year old and 12 year old are my worries. My 9year old sons school is about a 40-50 minute walk to the train station. I asked my ex how would my son get to the train station as he's too young to walk all that way alone.
His response was that my 12 and 14 year olds could walk and pick him up. Now their school is near the train station to after school they would either walk or possibly bus it to pick him up and the do the same back to the train station. So thats adding at least an extra hour onto their journey. The train journey to the station where he would pick them up from is then 1hour 15 mins. Then the drive to his house would be another 20-30 mins in peak hour. He then also said that I could pick my son up from the train station in the mornings and drop him to school and do vice versa in the afternoons to help out... which would be hard if I take on more hours at work.
2. He has told the kids that on the weeks that he has them he won't be taking them to their dance and cheerleading activities. My girls have been part of these teams for nearly 7 years and they were so upset today when I picked them up and they told me this. They know that if they are missing from training every other week it will affect their team placements and they would probably be replaced. With my sons footie when the season starts back up I am sure that he would take him as he likes watching his son play.
So when he called me yesterday saying that the children would be trialling this new arrangement he wants to do I voiced my concerns. The children had already said that they didn't want to do it and I am worried about all the travelling involved for the children. It works out to be over 600km a week they would travel by train. He did his usual swearing at me and called me a few different F words and hung up. I told him that he could have them every weekend and as much time in the holidays as he wants as they could then relax and not be as tired and stressed but he does not want that.
I will call legal aid in the morning and see what they advise but could anyone please offer any words of wisdom? The kids really don't want to do it but they are afraid to tell him that when he's right there. They are happy with the arrangement at the moment. I'm so happy to make extra journeys at the weekends and meet him at a suitable time so he can have some extra nights. And the same for holidays. I just don't feel it would be beneficial to the kids at all to be travelling over 600km a week to get there and back and to miss out on their sports that they really look forward too each week.
TIA for any help