A barrister has been appointed though I have never met her or spoken to her, I am still waiting for my solicitor to arrange a meeting. The ICL has already subpoenaed documents that they wanted and my solicitor and myself have seen a few of these including ones from d.o.c.s. that show that the police have interviewed my children on 2 separate occasions.
D.o.c.s have never contacted me dispite my ex has reported me to them on 11 occasions. Docs records also show that my ex after accusing me to a doctor of a hideous crime towards to my children, that the doctor examined the children and found her claims untrue, the doctor to sent my ex to a psychologist.
The psychologists report says that my ex presents with border line personality disorders and Munchausen. All this was subpoenaed about two years ago and still nothing has happened regarding a date for trial.