A few posts seem to have disapeared?!?!? I'll say it again, don't agree to supervised visits, your child is not on the avo, and that being the case I doubt you have ever harmed the child in anyway. There are no grounds for you to be put onto supervised visits other than dealing with a spiteful ex. What happens when thats all she offers at mediation, get up and walk out. After you have said in a calm voice "there are no grounds that warrant me having to carry out supervised visits" Then ask the mediator when the s60i certificate will be made available...then walk out, don't get suckered into the whole Relationships Australia bullsh*t. Don't carry on, don't make a scene, just know that youre heading off to court, and you won't be agreeing to the ex's demands.
I'm telling you now, a few months without seeing your child, and then being granted unsupervised visits at your first court appearance is worth the wait... plus the fact that you will be saving all that money, instead of shelling out $100 for a 2 hour supervised visit. Its not worth it, and as soon as you agree they use it against you at every court hearing from then on. "See judge he agreed to supervised visits because he knows hes a danger to the child"....blah blah blah...I've seen two mates go through it now, and I stood my ground and would never agree to it.
If your AVO has a clause in it that says,(a) No contact with the aggrieved, unless in relation to the child. Then start to use this to your advantage after mediation, send an email on Thursday each week asking for time with XXXX this weekend, outline when your available and where handovers should occur, be polite. Ask for a response by close of business Friday. (She wont respond and she wont let it happen more than likely) Make sure this email is well written as you will be using it each week up until court day, you then file this into your court material, this shows the judge that you have been available all this time and yet the mother has chosen not to allow the child to have a relationship with you.
Its a long and hard road Jarrad, and must be carried out with patience.