We shared the funds between us all verbal, she did get almost 70%, i did have shares, she had no money so i sold them gave her 50%, this happened almost 18mths ago, but all the money has now gone and she now wants more, i have nothing but super left to give her .......... The rental which is in both names, she won’t sell, so we still have settlement to do
As no formal legally binding settlement has taken place, it's possible that any funds you have used from that division to acquire other assets since is still going to be in the mix should a settlement be filed.... All you can do is gather as much evidence (money transfer records etc) of the division that occurred 18 months ago that can at least demonstrate that it was a joint decision albeit only a verbal one..
The main problem you have moving forward is the rental in joint names. If she refuses to sell, your options are very limited. You can get divorced & she may not file in the following 12 month window, (she can still seek leave to apply outside of that time frame) but that is just kicking the problem down the road, at some point it will have to be dealt with.
As far as your super goes, assuming it's still being managed in a fund, you will need a splitting agreement & that will most likley be part of a settlement & still involve a court .... If you are wanting to avoid court (and I think you should) It may be that you are going to have to look at offering her something extra from the sale of the rental if she agrees to sell... If that happens, you MUST have it formalised this time.
Doing that via court consent orders will involve scrutiny of all assets at time of separation etc & how it has been dealt with ... I recommend if any agreement is to be reached that you have it formalised as a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA). That will involve solicitors, but won't involve the court & can be done at minimal cost to you both & quite quickly compared to a court process.